现在留言。所以我创建了一个新项目并添加了 Frank 来测试它。我得到了测试输出的开始,但是当它实际尝试启动时,它说没有启用可访问性:
As an iOS developer
I want to have a sample feature file
So I can see what my next step is in the wonderful world of Frank/Cucumber testing
Scenario: # features/my_first.feature:6
Rotating the simulator for demonstration purposes
Given I launch the app # features/step_definitions/launch_steps.rb:5
ACCESSIBILITY DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE ENABLED ON YOUR SIMULATOR. Hit the home button, go to settings, select Accessibility, and turn the inspector on. (RuntimeError)
./features/step_definitions/launch_steps.rb:7:in `/^I launch the app$/'
features/my_first.feature:8:in `Given I launch the app'
Given the device is in landscape orientation # frank-cucumber-0.9.5/lib/frank-cucumber/core_frank_steps.rb:135
Given the device is in portrait orientation # frank-cucumber-0.9.5/lib/frank-cucumber/core_frank_steps.rb:149
Given the device is in landscape orientation # frank-cucumber-0.9.5/lib/frank-cucumber/core_frank_steps.rb:135
Given the device is in portrait orientation # frank-cucumber-0.9.5/lib/frank-cucumber/core_frank_steps.rb:149
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/my_first.feature:6 # Scenario:
Rotating the simulator for demonstration purposes
系统偏好设置 -> 辅助功能中的“启用辅助设备访问”复选框已被选中。所以我像错误所说的那样在移动设备模拟器上启用它(我以前从未在它工作时做过)。我在模拟器设置中打开了辅助功能检查器,但我仍然收到此错误。我重新启动了模拟器和我的笔记本电脑。我仍然得到错误。有任何想法吗?谢谢,