有人可以解释一下 Flash Builder 中的当前内存使用/可以在内存使用图的分析器中看到的/和实际内存使用/可以在 OSX 的活动监视器中看到的/之间的关系。问题是 FB 中的当前内存似乎报告了非常小的值,低于 300K,但是活动监视器显示 Flash 播放器调试器的实际内存使用量正在增长和增长。这怎么可能?非常感谢。


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The memory usage in the profiler is only the memory used by the objects allocated in the Flash virtual machine (AVM). In other words: Your main Sprite and any objects instantiated by your application, as well as behind-the-scene objects created by the AVM, such as the Stage.

Memory usage of the Flash player/debugger includes the process of the player/debugger and the AVM, which is just a native Mac/Windows application. The AVM executes your AS3 code somewhere inside of the Flash player, in its own isolated world.

If you want to keep an eye on your Flash application's memory usage, stick to the profiler.

于 2012-10-31T01:18:03.330 回答