今天很开心,终于可以安装Windows Phone 8 SDK并试了一下。我将全新安装的 Windows 8 Pro 安装到我的虚拟机中(如果从 Parallels 运行,我正在运行),然后安装了 Windows Phone 8 SDK。

一切顺利,Visual Studio Express 已安装并运行,但是当我创建新项目并尝试部署它时,VS 失败并显示非常奇怪的消息。

首先,出现提示“Windows Phone Emulator 无法创建虚拟机:一般故障”的消息框。真正通知,真正专业 - 一般错误,这真的很好。然后出现部署失败的信息(非常感谢您让我了解这一点,我没有注意到它完全崩溃了)。然后在错误列表中,有一个关于“无效指针”的信息——甚至更好。根本不知道发生了什么失败或出了什么问题。

有人可以帮我吗?到目前为止,互联网上没有关于此主题的任何内容,我不知道问题出在哪里。我扫描了 Windows 事件和日志,但什么也没有(可能我没有正确搜索,所以如果可以的话,请指导我)。



12 回答 12

于 2012-10-31T17:43:44.870 回答

我遇到了同样的问题,我通过在此虚拟机中启用 Hypervisor 应用程序并将以下行添加到 .vmx 文件来修复它:

hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = "假"



于 2012-10-31T17:27:28.357 回答

Actually, it works quite nicely with VMware Fusion 5.0.1

All I had to do is to add to the .vmx file of the virtual machine the following lines:

hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = “FALSE” vhv.enable = "true"

Save and restart VMWARE (obviously the VM must be stopped before the changes are made)

I'm right now debugging a test app from VS2012 using the emaulator inside a VM in my Macbook

I'm a happy camper


于 2012-11-01T13:14:35.030 回答

I posted the same question on Parallels forum.


The emulator is actually a virtual machine, so we are talking about a vm inside a vm, this requires support for nested Hyper-V, which afaik is planned but not implemented yet, also VMWare Fusion already supports this, if you are so desperate.


See Parallels forum post: http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?p=646448#post646448

于 2012-11-01T20:14:29.427 回答

This works for me

Set RAM to 4g Set at least 2 cores

add to vmx file.

vhv.enable = "TRUE"


Goot article http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wptools/thread/ed72010c-321c-4667-97b2-3ff1540e7f87/

于 2013-04-10T11:26:38.723 回答

您需要SLAT兼容的硬件来运行 Hyper-V,这是使用模拟器的要求。

您能否说明您尝试在哪种硬件上运行它,以及您是否在 BIOS 设置中启用了虚拟化?


于 2012-10-30T23:24:41.683 回答

Just as an addition to https://stackoverflow.com/a/13163762/1964969 (top answer at the moment): manually appending "hypervisor.cpuid.v0" key works for VmWare Player 5 as well (the main reason - this software is free for non-commercial use so it's perfect product if you test the waters, just download from VmWare website and install, it's fully-functional).

Slightly unexpected, any of the following amends solve the problem with WP8 emulator:


Yeah, you can apply empty value for that key - but why? Have no idea but it works. I did some notes in my blog as well: http://windowsasusual.blogspot.ru/2013/01/how-to-launch-windows-phone-8-emulator.html

于 2013-01-09T23:09:01.720 回答

Under Parallels Desktop 8 follow this guide: http://kb.parallels.com/en/115211

于 2013-05-06T15:16:25.150 回答

编辑:哦,我没有注意到您正在尝试在 VM 上运行模拟器。我的答案是针对非 VM 环境。


请注意,SDK 安装成功并不能保证“您的硬件兼容” 如果您的硬件兼容并且 Hyper-V 正在运行(如上链接所述),请检查您的 BIOS 并确保在 CPU 配置中启用硬​​件虚拟化

(对我来说,我可以在 Booting > BIOS > Advanced > Advanced > CPU Configuration 找到它)


  • 64位CPU和操作系统
  • 4GB 内存
  • 硬件辅助虚拟化支持的 CPU
  • 二级地址转换 (SLAT) 支持的硬件
  • 基于硬件的数据执行保护 (DEP) 支持的硬件
  • 正确的 BIOS 设置
于 2012-10-31T13:03:13.063 回答

For me the solution adding line:

hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = "FALSE"

I use VMware Player and added the line (hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = "FALSE")in the .vmx file. My virtual machine with Windows 8 Pro runs the emulator for Windows Phone 8 perfectly.

于 2013-01-28T12:52:34.330 回答

Solved the problem by uninstalling an older VPN client from the machine. It turns out some VPN clients might have compatibility issues with Windows 8. After uninstalling VPN client I was able to run the emulator without issues (of course after making sure Hyper-V was installed and enabled on the machine)

于 2013-04-29T13:06:16.653 回答

Not enough rep. to comment on the accepted answer, but Microsoft provide instructions specifically for Fusion here. It worked for me, after a couple of reboots of both Mac and VM. I installed W8.1 without Hyper-V support initially and had to install it after the fact ("Turn Windows Features On or Off" in Control Panel), but apart from that no problems. Quite speedy on a 16Gb 2013 MBP.

于 2014-06-09T07:42:24.353 回答