I have PowerShell v3 installed and launch the ISE from my local workstation. When I open a remote tab to a server(win2K8R2 WMF 3 installed) I seem to get a powerShell V1 session. I checked this by inspecting the $host variable.
> Name : ServerRemoteHost Version :
> InstanceId : f0b4913e-95a8-4d6b-9aaa-f869a5b2a8fd UI
> : System.Management.Automation.Internal.Host.InternalHostUserInterface
> CurrentCulture : en-US CurrentUICulture : en-US PrivateData :
> IsRunspacePushed : Runspace :
This server has WMF 3.0 installed and when I open either the ISE or a PowerShell prompt locally from the server, I get a v3 session.
Other machines do not display this behavior and do run powershell v3 when opened locally or via a remote tab
I'm at a loss to troubleshoot this behavior. I want the remote tab to open a v3 Session.
Any Thoughts?