
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at Payroll.getGrossPay(Payroll.java:47)
     at PayrollCalc.main(PayrollCalc.java:32)

我可以分别显示小时数和 payRate,但我不能显示 GrossPay。我对我的构造函数也不满意,但不太确定如何处理它。这个问题需要我初始化 Payroll 类中的数组。

public class Payroll {
    private final int NUM_EMPLOYEES = 3;
    private int[] employeeId = {5658845, 4520125, 7895122}, empId, hours;
    private double[] payRate, wages, grossPay;

    public Payroll()
    empId = employeeId;
public void setEmployeeId(int[] employeeId)
    empId = employeeId;
public void setEmpHours(int[] empHoursIn)
    hours = empHoursIn;
public void setEmpPayRate(double[] empPayRateIn)
    payRate = empPayRateIn;
public int[] getEmployeeId()
    return empId;
public int[] getEmpHours()
    return hours;
public double[] getEmpPayRate()
    return payRate;
public double[] getGrossPay()
    for (int count = 0; count < NUM_EMPLOYEES; count++)
        grossPay[count] = getEmpPayRate()[count] * getEmpHours()[count];

    return grossPay;

导入 java.util.Scanner;

public class PayrollCalc 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    int count;
    final int NUM_EMPLOYEES = 3;
    int[] empHours = new int[NUM_EMPLOYEES];
    double[] empPayRate = new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES];
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
    Payroll payroll = new Payroll();

    for (count = 0; count < NUM_EMPLOYEES; count++)
        System.out.print("Enter total hours for employee " +  
                           payroll.getEmployeeId()[count] + ": ");
        empHours[count] = keyboard.nextInt();

        System.out.print("Enter pay rate for employee " + 
                           payroll.getEmployeeId()[count] + ": ");
        empPayRate[count] = keyboard.nextDouble();

    System.out.println("\nEMPLOYEE ID\tGROSS PAY");
    System.out.println("-----------     ---------");

    for (count = 0; count < NUM_EMPLOYEES; count++)
        System.out.println(payroll.getEmployeeId()[count] + "\t\t" + 




3 回答 3


Your NullPointerException is occuring here:

grossPay[count] = getEmpPayRate()[count] * getEmpHours()[count];

as you haven't initialised the double array grossPay (or payRate or wages). You could use:

private double[] grossPay = new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES];

also you'll need:

private double[] payRate = new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES];
private double[] wages = new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES];
于 2012-10-30T19:34:08.223 回答

Doesn't look like you ever initialized the grossPay array - see if this makes a difference:

private double[] payRate, wages;
private double[] grossPay = new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES];

As a tip, when starting out it's probably best to initialize all your variables as soon as you can, which in your case is mostly at construction time. When you get a little more comfortable then you initialize when you need things - for example:

public double[] getGrossPay()
  if (grossPay == null) {
    grossPay = new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES]; 

    for (int count = 0; count < NUM_EMPLOYEES; count++)
      grossPay[count] = getEmpPayRate()[count] * getEmpHours()[count];
  return grossPay;

Good luck!

于 2012-10-30T19:34:47.223 回答

数组 GrossPay 从未在公共 double[] getGrossPay() 中的 Payroll 中初始化。



public Payroll() {
grossPay= new double[NUM_EMPLOYEES];
于 2012-10-30T19:37:31.650 回答