I am using IntelliJ Idea for Android development and IntelliJ uses a folder named out for putting APK file.

I am also using Mercurial as VCS and when I clone the project the out folder is left out from the cloned directory.

Also folder out is also not shown in the project structure and when I go to Open Module Settings -> Modules the folder is excluded as shown in the image below

enter image description here

Why out folder is excluded and how to include it in VCS (Mercurial)?


1 回答 1


为什么 out 文件夹被排除在外

因为这个文件夹不包含源和(我想)IntelliJ 将自己的设置镜像到相关存储库的 .hgignore 文件中

如何将其包含在 VCS(Mercurial)中?



因为构建工件的版本控制是个坏主意,无用,浪费时间和空间 - 只保存源,而不是可重复的结果

但是,如果您想在途中尝试所有机架 - 从 .hgignore 中删除相关字符串。

于 2012-10-30T19:31:23.747 回答