I have the following simple line to print a new line to a log file:

Print #fileNumber, vbNewLine

However, this results in 2 newlines instead of one. My code does not have any other vbNewLines or anything that would print newlines.

If I do not have this print line, then I print no newlines, so this means this line is printing 2 newlines.

Does anyone have any ideas why?


1 回答 1


刚刚对此进行了测试,并且 Print 总是添加换行符。

因此,简单地使用Print #fileNumber,将导致 1 个空白行。

问题是 Print 已经在新行上打印,所以当您添加时,vbnewline您会得到 2 行。

于 2012-10-30T19:31:56.940 回答