我正在使用 JavaScript 创建电子表格,但无法弄清楚如何评估该=SUM字段。我的代码将生成一个数组 ex (=SUM,A1,B1),但我不知道如何更改 A1 和 B1 的属性以获取其关联字段的值。

function saveCell()
// get the text the user just typed into the text box
var cellText = document.getElementById("txtCell").value;

var tokenArray = getFormula(cellText);

// if null... this isn't a formula
if (tokenArray != null)
    alert("This is a formula to sum from " + tokenArray[1] + " to " + tokenArray[2]);

    currentRef.innerHTML = cellText;

    ssArray[currentRow - 1][currentCol - 1] = cellText;
}//end saveCell()

// determines if user entered a formula such as =SUM(A1:B1)
// returns an array with cell coordinates

function getFormula(tbValue)

// this is a regular expression pattern which is intended to
// split the string (formula) on any of ":" "(" or ")"
var pattern = /[:|\(|\)]/;

// do the split ... ar is an array
var ar = tbValue.split(pattern);

// convert =sum to upper case
var sum = ar[0].toUpperCase();
var attOne = ar[1];
var attTwo = ar[2];

if (ar.length < 3)
    return null;
else if (sum != "=SUM")
    return alert("The function '"+sum+"' is not supported...");
    //return an array of strings
    return ar;
}//end getFormula()

1 回答 1


嗯,如果我理解得很好,A1 和 B1 应该是存储值的元素的“id”,所以你应该进入这些元素并获取值。

在这种情况下,您可以使用document.getelementbyid(attOne).value获取 A1 字段内的值;


于 2012-10-30T17:52:08.303 回答