I am trying to create a donation centre of sorts in Rails for a non-profit, using PayPal, and am wondering if I should start from scratch or use an existing eCommerce gem/platform.

I want to: - list various "products", or donation types that a user can select, customize and pay for - be able to send/serve downloadable files to a donor, depending on their donation type - keep track of donors, donations and various custom bits of data the user enters - add hooks to add donors to mailing lists, push donation notifications to social media, etc.

Basically, I want something that looks like a store and supports digital products, but processes donations instead of sales through PayPal.

Does anyone have experience using Spree (or something similar) to accept donations? I can't seem to find evidence that this works without a lot of hacking.



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有几种方法可以做到这一点,但每种方法都需要您卷起袖子进入代码。我会推荐,特别是如果您正在学习 Rails,请使用 Daniel Kehoe 的“railsapp - Ruby on Rails 会员网站”


这是一个很棒的教程,也是您想要完成的工作的基石。不要只是复制/克隆它并开箱即用,我将通过本教程来更好地了解正在发生的事情以及如何自定义它以满足您的需求。它使用 Stripe 进行支付处理。

于 2012-10-30T17:46:47.760 回答