也许这个 python 代码可能会有一些用处。它的基本思想是对网格进行某种广度优先遍历,确保黑色像素遵守不超过 3 个黑色邻居的约束。与网格的黑色部分相对应的图形是一棵树,就像您想要的结果一样。
import Queue
import Image
import numpy as np
import random
#size of the problem
size = 50
#grid initialization
grid = np.zeros((size,size),dtype=np.uint8)
#start at the center
initpos = (size/2,size/2)
#create the propagation queue
qu = Queue.Queue()
#queue the starting point
#the starting point is queued
grid[initpos] = 1
#get the neighbouring grid cells from a position
def get_neighbours(pos):
n1 = (pos[0]+1,pos[1] )
n2 = (pos[0] ,pos[1]+1)
n3 = (pos[0]-1,pos[1] )
n4 = (pos[0] ,pos[1]-1)
return [neigh for neigh in [n1,n2,n3,n4]
if neigh[0] > -1 and \
neigh[0]<size and \
neigh[1] > -1 and \
neigh[1]<size \
while(not qu.empty()):
#pop a new element from the queue
#pos is its position in the grid
#parent is the position of the cell which propagated this one
(pos,parent) = qu.get()
#get the neighbouring cells
neighbours = get_neighbours(pos)
#legend for grid values
#0 -> nothing
#1 -> stacked
#2 -> black
#3 -> white
#if any neighbouring cell is black, we could join two branches
has_black = False
for neigh in neighbours:
if neigh != parent and grid[neigh] == 2:
has_black = True
if has_black:
#blackening this cell means joining branches, abort
grid[pos] = 3
#this cell does not join branches, blacken it
grid[pos] = 2
#select all valid neighbours for propagation
propag_candidates = [n for n in neighbours if n != parent and grid[n] == 0]
#shuffle to avoid deterministic patterns
#propagate the first two neighbours
for neigh in propag_candidates[:2]:
#queue the neighbour
#mark it as queued
grid[neigh] = 1
#render image
im = Image.fromarray(grid)
这是一个结果设置size = 50
和另一个设置size = 1000