Using MS Visual Studio 2012 Express, Using C#.NET 4.0.

Hi guys, This I believe is a simple one.

I've been rushing a program at the request of my boss, But now it turns out that I have a lot more free time on it.

So I'm going through the code trying to make it more compact, cleaner etc.

I have this one function.....

public void RunMonth()
    //** top 10 listings*********************//            
    SetTxtBox1(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " ==== END OF MONTH REPORTS starting.........\r\n");
    SetTxtBox1(" **************************************************************************************\r\n");
        VRMtableDESC = querys.TopVRM("DESC");
        SetTxtBox1(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " ==== VRM Top has been loaded\r\n");
        SetTxtBox1(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " ==== VRM Top has FAILED\r\n");

"VRMtableDESC" is a datatable, one of around 18 datatables. for each datatable this try statement is run.

Now as you can tell this currently is repeated 18 times for every table. instead i would like to loop into the tables instead and fill them with there data.

is there a way to do this? i would need some sort of collection for the datatables and the query.function calls too as far as I'm aware.

So far i have hit a blank so im hoping there is something im missing.

Thanks in Advance

::::UPDATE:::: Ok so I have this set up so far....

 foreach (DataTable tbl in MyDataSet.Tables)

the equals method needs to be dynamic in its method selection too.... any ideas?


Hi again, Im getting an error, the common error " object not sent to instance of object"

it apears on the merge in the foreach loop.

I have debugged my query call and looks fine.

 var tables = new SortedDictionary<string, Func<DataTable>>()
            {"VRMtableDESC",  () => querys.TopVRM("DESC")},
            {"VRMtableASC",   () => querys.BotVRM("ASC")},
            {"SpectableDESC", () => querys.TopSpec("DESC")},
            {"SpectableASC",  () => querys.botSpec("ASC")},
            {"ParttableDESC", () => querys.TopPart("DESC")},
            {"ParttableASC", () => querys.BotPart("ASC")},
            {"MantableDESC",  () => querys.TopManual("DESC")},
            {"MantableASC",   () => querys.BotMan("ASC")}, //why is this first to run?????
            {"UsersLockedTbl",() => querys.UserLocked()},
            {"NewUsersTbl",   () => querys.NewUsers()},

            {"VRMtotaltblTOP",   () => querys.VRMtotalTOP("")},
            {"PARTtotaltblTOP",  () => querys.PARTtotalTOP("")},
            {"SPECtotaltblTOP",  () => querys.SPECtotalTOP("")},
            {"MANtotaltblTOP",   () => querys.MANtotalTOP("")},
            {"VRMtotaltblBOT",   () => querys.VRMtotalBOT("")},
            {"PARTtotaltblBOT",  () => querys.PARTtotalBOT("")},
            {"SPECtotaltblBOT",  () => querys.SPECtotalBOT("")},
            {"MANtotaltblBOT",   () => querys.MANtotalBOT("")},

        foreach(var kvp in tables)
                MyDataSet.Tables[kvp.Key].Merge(kvp.Value());//error occurs here
                SetTxtBox1(String.Format("{0} ==== {1} has been Loaded\r\n", DateTime.Now.ToString(), kvp.Key));
            }catch(Exception e)
                SetTxtBox1(String.Format("{0} ==== {1} has FAILED\r\n", DateTime.Now.ToString(), kvp.Key));
                MessageBox.Show("error:::" + e);

any help would be great.


heres my query call from the "bunchofquerys" class

 public DataTable BotMan(string order)

            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(myConnString32);
            SqlCommand vrm = new SqlCommand();
            //BindingSource bindme = new BindingSource();
            SqlDataAdapter adapt1 = new SqlDataAdapter(vrm);
           // DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet();
            DataTable table1 = new DataTable();
            vrm.Connection = conn;
            vrm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            if (order.Equals("DESC"))
                vrm.CommandText = "dbo.TopManual";
            vrm.CommandText = "dbo.BotManual";
            vrm.CommandTimeout = 360;

            vrm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrderBy", order);
            return table1;
        catch (Exception e)
            MessageBox.Show("eeror::zomg:::  " + e);

        return table1;

1 回答 1


你说你已经有一个DataSet. 填写所有表格的一种简单方法是使用Merge.

在此示例中,我在表名(中的表名DataSet)和相应的查询函数(假设它们返回DataTable具有相似模式的 a,并且您DataSet的名称为 named ds)之间创建了一个映射。

Key用于从 中查询适当DataTableDataSet,然后该方法Merge用于“填充” DataTable

var tables = new SortedDictionary<string, Func<DataTable>>() //or use List of Tuples... 
    {"VRM_TOP",    () => querys.TopVRM("DESC")},
    {"FooBar_TOP", () => querys.FooBar("DESC")},
    {"Something",  () => querys.Something("ASC")},

foreach(var kvp in tables)



foreach(var kvp in tables)
        SetTxtBox1(String.Format("{0} ==== {1} has ben loaded\r\n", DateTime.Now, kvp.Key));
于 2012-10-30T13:25:49.057 回答