I am working on a Outlook 2010 add-in. I have already check this blog. Deploying your VSTO add-ins to All Users (Saurabh Bhatia)

My test environment is the next Win7 64bit with OU2010 32bit. So I registry my add-in into HKLM to allusers install in this way.

Unlike the HKCU registry hive, the HKLM registry hive for Office add-ins is redirected on a 64-bit Windows OS. So if you are trying to register an add-in with 32-bit version of Office running on a 64-bit OS, the add-ins registry will be under the WOW6432Node. The 32-bit Office running on 64-bit OS will always load the add-ins listed under this key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\application name\Addins\add-in ID

After install I check HKLM, and everything is fine with the registered values(like loadbehavior, and manifest). But in HKCU this registry values doesn't exists. If i put them manually the add-in load without any problem.

What is the problem?

My registry path is the next:


Manifest value: [TARGETDIR]Myaddin.vsto|vstolocal


2 回答 2


您的清单值应该是file:///[TARGETDIR]Myaddin.vsto|vstolocalVSTO Fastpath 格式)。您拥有的注册表路径对于 x64 OS 上的 x86 Office 是正确的

于 2012-10-31T12:59:44.607 回答

您应该检查您正在创建的注册表的名称。我在同一个问题上被困了好几天,后来发现我在 DWORD“loadbehavior”而不是“LoadBehavior”上有错字

于 2013-09-04T15:53:09.970 回答