I am using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk for my JSP web deployment. I want my application should be run only on HTTPS. I have also configured load scheduler to listen HTTPS request as well. But i am not able to find a way where it will become HTTPS only. I tried to configure my EBS server(using PUTTY & my machine ip i edited server.xml & web.xml so that each request will become HTTPS as per tutorial http://www.itworld.com/development/79351/how-configure-tomcat-always-require-https) But when i done this then EBS server health gone down(red). Also i noticed when load on application grows beyond threshold then new instance is created & when load gets down then old instance will be deleted & new one is preserver so please somebody tell me how to deal with this problem.

Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


这在为您的 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 环境配置 HTTPS 中进行了解释:

您可以将 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 环境配置为对您的应用程序使用 HTTPS。配置 HTTPS 可确保客户端连接到负载均衡器的流量加密。


  1. 使用您的 DNS 提供商创建自定义域。
  2. 创建 SSL 证书并将其上传到 AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM)。
  3. 更新您的 Elastic Beanstalk 环境以使用 HTTPS。

具体来说,第3 步:更新您的 Elastic Beanstalk 环境以使用 HTTPS部分概述了在自定义域和 SSL 证书到位后如何根据需要配置负载均衡器:

收到您的 Amazon 资源名称 (ARN) 后,您需要使用以下信息更新 Elastic Beanstalk 环境中的负载均衡器配置设置:

  • HTTP 端口 — 将此端口设置为OFF80
  • HTTPS 端口 — 将此端口设置为4438443
于 2014-04-26T12:46:42.520 回答

不幸的是,不可能只制作标准的 Elastic Beanstalk SSL 或私有/由 IP 锁定。


最近,他们发布了对 Elastic Beanstalks 的 VPC 支持,允许您限制访问并使用私有负载均衡器。

或者,您可以设置自己的 HAProxy 或使用 OpsWorks 设置 HAProxy

于 2013-05-01T23:43:12.810 回答