假设我有以下 CSV 文件:
User ID Name Application
001 Ajohns ABI
002 Fjerry Central
900 Xknight RFC
300 JollK QDI
078 Demik Central
是否有一些简单的方法(将其导入某些数据结构)?和/或能够轻松地在 python 中执行以下操作:
1) Get all user IDs with Application=Central
2) Get the row where name="FJerry" then extract say the "userid" value from
3) Give me the filtered rows for those with "Application=Central" so I can write out to CSV
4) Give me all the rows where Name="Ajohn", and Application="ABI" such that I could easy do a len() to count them up?
是否有一些 python 库或完成上述操作的最简单方法是什么?