在我的应用程序中,用户需要输入一些地址信息。从 1.0 版开始,我为此提供了一个地址簿按钮。这在我之前的测试中运行良好,但现在当我尝试设置我的 UITextField.Text 属性时,我得到了一个 SIGSEGV。每当我尝试在 MonoTouches 调试模式下从 PeoplePicker 中选择地址时,都会发生此错误,当我在 iPhone 上尝试时,错误会在设置 TextFields 和推送下一个 ViewController 之间随机发生。我的代码有什么问题还是错误?
//AB Button Event
addressBook.TouchUpInside += delegate {
//Create new Picker
ABPeoplePickerNavigationController PP = new ABPeoplePickerNavigationController();
//Cancel Event
PP.Cancelled += delegate {
NavigationController.DismissViewController(true, null);
//Select Event
PP.SelectPerson += delegate(object sender, ABPeoplePickerSelectPersonEventArgs e) {
//Detailed Person View
ABPersonViewController pv = new ABPersonViewController();
//Action when clicked on a Property
pv.PerformDefaultAction += delegate(object person, ABPersonViewPerformDefaultActionEventArgs ev) {
//If the Property was an Address
if(ev.Property.ToString() == "Address"){
string lands = "", orts = "", plzs = "";
//Read the Detailed Address Data from the clicked property
ABMultiValue<PersonAddress> addresses = ev.Person.GetAllAddresses();
PersonAddress[] values = addresses.GetValues();
lands = values[ev.Identifier.Value].Country.ToString();
orts = values[ev.Identifier.Value].City.ToString();
plzs = values[ev.Identifier.Value].Zip.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Fehlerhafte Addresse");
//Set the Textfield with the new information
//iPhone Simulator in Debugmode crashes here everytime
land.Text = lands;
ort.Text = orts;
plz.Text = plzs;
//Close the Module
NavigationController.DismissViewController(true, null);
//Set selected Person for the person View
pv.DisplayedPerson = e.Person;
//Open Person View with navigation from the PeoplePicker Controller
PP.PushViewController(pv, true);
//Open PeoplePicker Controller Module
NavigationController.PresentViewController(PP, true, null);