当我在 VS2005 下编译我的项目时,以下代码帮助我配置我的 IIS 以设置 ApplicationPool 并成功地将我的 WebApplication 分配给它(使用 InstallerClass)。

现在我在VS2010下编译时遇到了麻烦!当我运行我的安装设置时,我现在变成了一个 DropDownList 来为站点选择一个应用程序池(我以前没有这个)并且在列表中没有我正在创建的 AppPool。

AppPool 将在安装后创建,我可以看到它,但我的应用程序没有绑定到它。



Private Const _appPoolName As String = "MyPool001"

Public Overrides Sub Install(ByVal stateSaver As System.Collections.IDictionary)
    SetIISApplicationPool(_appPoolName, Me.Context)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub SetIISApplicationPool(ByVal AppPoolName As String, ByVal context As System.Configuration.Install.InstallContext)
    Dim targetSite As String = context.Parameters("targetsite")
    Dim targetVDir As String = context.Parameters("targetvdir")
    Dim targetDirectory As String = context.Parameters("targetdir")

    If targetSite Is DBNull.Value Then
        Throw New System.Configuration.Install.InstallException("IIS Site Name Not Specified!")
    End If

    If targetSite.StartsWith("/LM/") Then
        '// Sets the virtual directory to .NET 2.0
        targetSite = targetSite.Substring(4)
        Dim info As New ProcessStartInfo
        info.FileName = IO.Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot"), "Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe")
        info.Arguments = String.Format("-s {0}/ROOT/{1}", targetSite, targetVDir)
        info.CreateNoWindow = True
        info.UseShellExecute = False
            CreateApplicationPool("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/AppPools", AppPoolName)
        Catch : End Try
            AssignVDirToAppPool("IIS://localhost/" & targetSite & "/Root/" & targetVDir, AppPoolName)
        Catch : End Try
    End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub CreateApplicationPool(ByVal strMetabasePath As String, ByVal strAppPoolName As String)
        If strMetabasePath.EndsWith("/W3SVC/AppPools") Then
            Dim blExists As Boolean = AppPoolExists(strMetabasePath, strAppPoolName)
            If blExists = False Then
                Dim objNewPool As System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
                Dim objAppPools As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(strMetabasePath)
                objNewPool = objAppPools.Children.Add(strAppPoolName, "IIsApplicationPool")
            End If

            Throw New Exception("Application pools can only be created in the */W3SVC/AppPools node.")
        End If
    Catch exError As Exception
        Throw New Exception("Failed in CreateAppPool with the following exception: " & exError.Message)
    End Try

End Sub
Private Shared Sub AssignVDirToAppPool(ByVal strMetabasePath As String, ByVal strAppPoolName As String)
        Dim objVdir As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(strMetabasePath)
        Dim strClassName As String = objVdir.SchemaClassName.ToString()
        If strClassName.EndsWith("VirtualDir") Then
            Dim objParam As Object() = {0, strAppPoolName, True}
            objVdir.Invoke("AppCreate3", objParam)
            objVdir.Properties("AppIsolated")(0) = "2"
            Throw New Exception("Only virtual directories can be assigned to application pools")
        End If
    Catch exError As Exception
        Throw New Exception("Failed in AssignVDirToAppPool with the following exception: " & exError.Message)
    End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Function AppPoolExists(ByVal strMetabasePath As String, ByVal strAppPoolName As String) As Boolean
    strMetabasePath += "/" & strAppPoolName
    Dim blExists As Boolean = False
    If System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Exists(strMetabasePath) = True Then
        blExists = True
    End If
    Return blExists
End Function

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