我有一个 Eclipse 插件,它贡献了一个需要 jsdt javaScriptNature 的项目性质。我现在想以编程方式将插件中包含的 javascript 库添加到项目的包含路径中。有没有办法我可以做到这一点?

我阅读了一些关于 JsGlobalScopeContainer 和 JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer 的内容并尝试了它们,但这似乎很令人困惑。我只想从我的插件中添加一个包含一些 .js 文件的库。我只是无法理解这个概念。


IJavaScriptProject jsProj = JavaScriptCore.create(p);
Path pa = new Path("/src/de/otris/eclipse/portalscripting/psLibrary/library.js");
IIncludePathEntry entry = JavaScriptCore.newProjectEntry(pa);               
IIncludePathEntry[] ipaths = jsProj.getRawIncludepath();
IIncludePathEntry[] newpaths = new IIncludePathEntry[ipaths.length +1];
System.arraycopy(ipaths, 0, newpaths, 0, ipaths.length);
newpaths[ipaths.length] = entry;
jsProj.setRawIncludepath(newpaths, null);

2 回答 2




  1. 创建一个扩展JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer的类
  2. 为扩展点org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer贡献一个扩展
  3. 添加一个IIncludePathEntry,使用它的 id 指向 JsGlobalScopeContainer ,到你想在其中使用库的项目


那里有一些非常令人困惑的教程(包括 eclipse wiki 上的教程),起初使人们更难理解这一点。我想出了以下内容:

[... package and imports ommited ...]
public class LibInitializer extends JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer {

    private static final String LIBRARY_ID = "com.testvendor.testplugin.library";

     public IPath getPath() {    
         return new Path(LIBRARY_ID);

    public LibraryLocation getLibraryLocation() {   
        return null;

    public String getDescription() {
        return "Test Library";

    public String getDescription(IPath containerPath, IJavaScriptProject project) {
        return getDescription();

    public IIncludePathEntry[] getIncludepathEntries() {

        try {
            //get the Bundle object of the plugin
            Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("com.testvendor.testplugin");
            //get the java.io.File object corresponding to the root of the bundles installation directory
            File bundleFile = FileLocator.getBundleFile(bundle);
            //add the location pointing to the library relative to that bundle root
            File libraryLocation = new File(bundleFile, "bin/com/testvendor/testplugin/library/");              
            //create a Path object from it
            IPath pa = new Path(libraryLocation.getAbsolutePath());

            /* create an IIncludePathEntry of the type "library" from this path
            my library only contains one folder (for now) so this is it */
            IIncludePathEntry entry = JavaScriptCore.newLibraryEntry(pa, pa, pa);
            //put the entry (or entries if you had more) into an array and return
            IIncludePathEntry[] entries = {entry};
            return entries;

        } catch (IOException e) { 
        return null;

最有趣的部分是方法getIncludepathEntries(),其中将从容器中检索实际条目。由于 IIncludePathEntry 不适用于“file://”伪协议的 URL,因此 Eugene 建议的“toFileURL”方法在这里不起作用。

2.为 JSGlobalScope... 扩展点贡献一个扩展

要告诉项目包含 id 为com.testvendor.testplugin.library的容器条目,最简单的方法是向扩展点 *org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer** 贡献代码,如下所示:

<extension point="org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer">            

其中课程当然是指第 1 步中的 JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer。

3.将 IIncludePathEntry 添加到项目中

IJavaScriptProject jsProj = ... get your project object from somewhere ...
//create an instance of the container from step 1.
JsGlobalScopeContainerInitializer container = new LibInitializer();
//create an includepath entry refering to the container         
IIncludePathEntry entry = JavaScriptCore.newContainerEntry(container.getPath());

IIncludePathEntry[] ipaths = jsProj.getRawIncludepath();    
IIncludePathEntry[] newpaths = new IIncludePathEntry[ipaths.length +1];

System.arraycopy(ipaths, 0, newpaths, 0, ipaths.length);
//add the new entry
newPaths[ipaths.length] = enty;
// set the new includepath to the project
jsProj.setRawIncludepath(newpaths, null);

如果您现在幸运的话,您的 JavaScript 资源中将有一个库条目,其中包含您使用 ContainerIntitializer 添加的库文件夹中包含的所有 JavaScript 对象和类。所有这些对象和类都将在代码完成建议中可用。



于 2012-11-30T15:28:18.513 回答

要设置项目包含路径,您应该使用IJavaScriptProject::setRawIncludepath方法之一。IIncludePathEntries 是通过调用与条目类型对应的JavaScriptCore::new*Entry方法创建的。

于 2012-10-29T17:57:43.270 回答