我正在阅读 Vrope 的 raynderwilch 教程,我几乎将该教程中的所有代码移植到 C++,但我坚持使用这个函数,我被困住了如何将此函数移植到 cocos2d-x c++?我从来没有进入过目标C,所以不能这样做需要你的帮助

-(VRope *)cutRopeInStick:(VStick *)stick newBodyA:(b2Body*)newBodyA newBodyB:(b2Body*)newBodyB {

// 1-First, find out where in your array the rope will be cut
int nPoint = [vSticks indexOfObject:stick];

// Instead of making everything again you'll just use the arrays of
// sticks, points and sprites you already have and split them

// 2-This is the range that defines the new rope
NSRange newRopeRange = (NSRange){nPoint, numPoints-nPoint-1};

// 3-Keep the sticks in a new array
NSArray *newRopeSticks = [vSticks subarrayWithRange:newRopeRange];

// 4-and remove from this object's array
[vSticks removeObjectsInRange:newRopeRange];

// 5-Same for the sprites
NSArray *newRopeSprites = [ropeSprites subarrayWithRange:newRopeRange];
[ropeSprites removeObjectsInRange:newRopeRange];

// 6-Number of points is always the number of sticks + 1
newRopeRange.length += 1;
NSArray *newRopePoints = [vPoints subarrayWithRange:newRopeRange];
[vPoints removeObjectsInRange:newRopeRange];

// 7-The removeObjectsInRange above removed the last point of
// this rope that now belongs to the new rope. You need to clone
// that VPoint and add it to this rope, otherwise you'll have a
// wrong number of points in this rope
VPoint *pointOfBreak = [newRopePoints objectAtIndex:0];
VPoint *newPoint = [[VPoint alloc] init];
[newPoint setPos:pointOfBreak.x y:pointOfBreak.y];
[vPoints addObject:newPoint];

// 7-And last: fix the last VStick of this rope to point to this new point
// instead of the old point that now belongs to the new rope
VStick *lastStick = [vSticks lastObject];
[lastStick setPointB:newPoint];
[newPoint release];

// 8-This will determine how long the rope is now and how long the new rope will be
float32 cutRatio = (float32)nPoint / (numPoints - 1);

// 9-Fix my number of points
numPoints = nPoint + 1;

// Position in Box2d world where the new bodies will initially be
b2Vec2 newBodiesPosition = b2Vec2(pointOfBreak.x / PTM_RATIO, pointOfBreak.y / PTM_RATIO);

// Get a reference to the world to create the new joint
b2World *world = newBodyA->GetWorld();

// 10-Re-create the joint used in this VRope since bRopeJoint does not allow
// to re-define the attached bodies
b2RopeJointDef jd;
jd.bodyA = joint->GetBodyA();
jd.bodyB = newBodyB;
jd.localAnchorA = joint->GetLocalAnchorA();
jd.localAnchorB = b2Vec2(0, 0);
jd.maxLength = joint->GetMaxLength() * cutRatio;
newBodyB->SetTransform(newBodiesPosition, 0.0);

b2RopeJoint *newJoint1 = (b2RopeJoint *)world->CreateJoint(&jd); //create joint

// 11-Create the new rope joint
jd.bodyA = newBodyA;
jd.bodyB = joint->GetBodyB();
jd.localAnchorA = b2Vec2(0, 0);
jd.localAnchorB = joint->GetLocalAnchorB();
jd.maxLength = joint->GetMaxLength() * (1 - cutRatio);
newBodyA->SetTransform(newBodiesPosition, 0.0);

b2RopeJoint *newJoint2 = (b2RopeJoint *)world->CreateJoint(&jd); //create joint

// 12-Destroy the old joint and update to the new one
joint = newJoint1;

// 13-Finally, create the new VRope
VRope *newRope = [[VRope alloc] initWithRopeJoint:newJoint2
return [newRope autorelease];


Box2d 部分与 NSRange 相同,请帮助我将其转换为在 cocos2d-x 中使用

在这种情况下,NSRange 和 NSArray 的替代方案是什么?


3 回答 3


由于 NSRange 只是一个普通的 C 结构,您也可以在 C++ 中简单地定义它:

typedef struct {
    unsigned long location;
    unsigned long length;
} NSRange;
于 2012-10-29T12:45:19.127 回答

正如 H2CO3 所说,NSRange 是一个 C 结构,可以轻松定义。

对于 NSArray,您可能最好使用 std::vector< VStick > 之类的东西。

您可以创建一个类似于上述 NSArray 的新数组,如下所示:

std::vector< VStick > newRopeSticks;
newRopeSticks.reserve( range.length );
std::copy( vSticks.begin() + range.Location, vSticks.begin() + range.Location + range.length, std::back_inserter( newRopeSticks ) );




vSticks.erase( vSticks.begin() + range.Location, vSticks.begin() + range.Location + range.Length );


于 2012-10-29T12:53:02.633 回答

我不知道 NSRange 的任何解决方案,但绝对可以使用 cocos2d-x 中的 CCArray 替换 NSArray。

于 2012-10-29T22:45:33.470 回答