我知道这个错误与缺少选项卡有关,但我不知何故无法找出第 1 行缺少选项卡的位置:
## -*- mode: make; tab-width: 8; -*-
## Simple Makefile
## TODO:
## proper configure for non-Debian file locations, [ Done ]
## allow RHOME to be set for non-default R etc
## comment this out if you need a different version of R,
## and set set R_HOME accordingly as an environment variable
R_HOME = $(shell R RHOME)
sources = $(wildcard *.cpp)
programs = $(sources:.cpp=)
## include headers and libraries for R
RCPPFLAGS = $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD config --cppflags)
RLDFLAGS = $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD config --ldflags)
RBLAS = $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD config BLAS_LIBS)
RLAPACK = $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD config LAPACK_LIBS)
## if you need to set an rpath to R itself, also uncomment
#RRPATH := -Wl,-rpath,$(R_HOME)/lib
## include headers and libraries for Rcpp interface classes
RCPPINCL = $(shell echo 'Rcpp:::CxxFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla --slave)
RCPPLIBS = $(shell echo 'Rcpp:::LdFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla --slave)
## include headers and libraries for RInside embedding classes
RINSIDEINCL = $(shell echo 'RInside:::CxxFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla --slave)
RINSIDELIBS = $(shell echo 'RInside:::LdFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R --vanilla --slave)
## compiler etc settings used in default make rules
CXX = $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD config CXX)
CPPFLAGS = -Wall $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD config CPPFLAGS)
config CXXFLAGS)
all: $(programs)
@test -x /usr/bin/strip && strip $^
run: $(programs)
@for p in $(programs); do echo; echo "Running $$p:"; ./$$p; done
rm -vf $(programs)
rm -vrf *.dSYM
for p in $(programs); do echo "Running $$p"; ./$$p; done