i have one <li> element where i put Item1 and value and Edit button, when i click on Editbutton the small popup open with slider and numeric up and down

problem is , i am wondering when i change the slider i want to change <li> background color and from numeric up and down i want to change values in <li> elements

for example here, if i change slider value up , i want to make <li> background color something else and if i click numeric up i want 26 in <li> element

it should be real time, means u click on up value should be 26 in li, No after close popup or something else


Thanks :)


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看看jQuery UI 对话框。在这里您还可以找到一个滑块控件。另外,如果你想在你的照片上得到类似的东西,看看这里的答案。

于 2012-10-29T10:30:41.163 回答