I'm creating a Phonegap iOS and Android application. I've got one index.html file where all the pages / tabs are in, each page has it's own div-container. The application is almost finished and now I would like to add a slide-effect when navigating to another page.

My question is, how do I add page transitions within one page that contains several divs?

I have been looking at jQuery Mobile, but this seems to mess up my entire stylesheet. And furthermore, I only need the transitions part of jQuery Mobile, not the entire script. I've found this plugin http://www.fasw.ws/faswwp/non-jquery-page-transitions-lightweight/ but this does not seem to work for one page.


1 回答 1


如果您使用的是 jQM,您应该重构您的 HTML 代码,以便标签对应于框架需要使您的转换发挥作用的内容。但我认为您的问题出在 Ajax 调用上,当从一个页面更改为另一个页面时。

于 2012-10-30T08:16:31.123 回答