currently I use like below in microlog.properties file.

microlog.formatter.PatternFormatter.pattern=[%d]:[%P] %c - %m %T

and getting the result is Microlog 38623:[INFO]-this is my class.

I want to get 1) the datetime as 29-10-2012 : 21:55:40 and 2) append the line of the class to the log file.

How can I set to the properties file to set both ?


1 回答 1


%d 的默认时间说明符是绝对时间。尝试指定您喜欢如何格式化时间,例如%d{ISO8601}

Microlog4Android 的灵感来自 Log4j,因此它支持它的许多功能。Microlog4Android 中的格式化程序包括PatternLayout中的许多模式。

于 2012-12-03T10:27:11.413 回答