我在 Python 方面仍然非常陌生,但我正在尝试编写代码来解析来自 NOAA 的天气并按照我们的无线电广播的顺序显示它。
我已经设法整理了一个使用 python 表达式的当前条件列表,其中 html 文件被分割成行列表,然后以正确的顺序重新输出,但每一个都是单行数据. 该代码如下所示:
#other function downloads
#and renames it currents.html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re
soup = bs(open('currents.html')
weatherRaw = soup.pre.string
towns = ['PAOM', 'PAUN', 'PAGM', 'PASA']
townOut = []
weatherLines = weatherRaw.splitlines()
for i in range(len(towns)):
p = re.compile(towns[i] + '.*')
for line in weatherLines:
matched = p.match(line)
if matched:
所以:我正在寻找的是一个允许我使用类似循环的表达式,这次从找到的行开始追加,并在仅包含 && 的行结束。像这样的东西:
#sample data from http://www.arh.noaa.gov/wmofcst.php?wmo=FPAK52PAFG&type=public
#BeautifulSouped into list fcst (forecast.pre.get_text().splitlines())
zones = ['AKZ214', 'AKZ215', 'AKZ213'] #note the out-of-numerical-order zones
weatherFull = []
for i in range(len(zones)):
start = re.compile(zones[i] '.*')
end = re.compile('&&')
for line in fcst:
matched = start.match(line)
if matched:
#and the other lines of various contents and length
#until reaching the end match object