If you are getting this error without using transactions
The user has requested the statement be cancelled. The statement is doing exactly what it is told to do. The question is, who requested this statement be cancelled?
Look at every line in your code which prepares the SQL for execution. You could have some method that applies to the statement which cancels the statement under some circumstances, like this:
statement = conn.createStatement();
my_insert_statement.setString(1, "moobars");
In my case, what happened was I had set the query timeout to 25 seconds, and when the insert took longer than that. It passed the 'canceling statement due to user request' exception.
If you are getting this error while using transactions:
If you receive this Exception, double check all your code that does SQL transactions.
If you have a query that is in a transaction and you forget to commit, and then you use that connection to do something else where you operate as if you are not in a transaction, there could be undefined behavior which produces this Exception.
Make sure all code that does a transaction is cleaning up after itself. Make sure the transaction begins, work is done, more work is done, and the transaction is rolled back or committed, then make sure the connection is left in the autocommit=true
If this is your problem, then the Exception is not thrown where you have forgotten to clean up after yourself, it happens somewhere long after you have failed to clean up after a transaction, making this an elusive exception to track down. Refreshing the connection (closing it and getting a new one) will clear it up.