I built a simple gravity simulation shown here:
At first, I used a variable timestep, by calculating how much it takes for one update, and applying that to the next one - standard stuff.
However, this method reduces determinism, and results can vary from simulation to simulation - something I definitely do not want.
I figured that I should use a fixed time step (10 seconds), but then I noticed that the simulation would speed up and down in regular intervals (of around 1 second).
Why is that happening? Does it have to do anything with Python itself?
The code
The main loop:
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
run = False
The update method:
def update (self, dt):
self.time += dt
for b1, b2 in combinations(self.bodies.values(), 2):
fg = self.Fg(b1, b2)
if b1.position.x > b2.position.x:
b1.force.x -= fg.x
b2.force.x += fg.x
b1.force.x += fg.x
b2.force.x -= fg.x
if b1.position.y > b2.position.y:
b1.force.y -= fg.y
b2.force.y += fg.y
b1.force.y += fg.y
b2.force.y -= fg.y
for b in self.bodies.itervalues():
ax = b.force.x/b.m
ay = b.force.y/b.m
b.position.x += b.velocity.x*dt
b.position.y += b.velocity.y*dt
nvx = ax*dt
nvy = ay*dt
b.position.x += 0.5*nvx*dt
b.position.y += 0.5*nvy*dt
b.velocity.x += nvx
b.velocity.y += nvy
b.force.x = 0
b.force.y = 0