
我正在使用以下代码来隐藏视图以及根据 viewWillAppear 中的条件由视图占用的空间:

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {

    Data* data = [Data shared];

    if (data.something == 0) {

        CGRect frame = self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame;
        frame.size.height = 0;
        self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame = frame;

        self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = YES;

    } else {

        CGRect frame = self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame;
        frame.size.height = 44;
        self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame = frame;

        self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = NO;



上面的代码有效,但我很确定这不是正确的方法。我试图将 tableHeaderView 设置为 nil,但是一旦调用代码,headerView 就会消失,直到 UITableView 被销毁(我想我可以使用 IBOutlet 来修复它到 tableHeader,但听起来也不对。


- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
   self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = YES;
   return 0; 

2 回答 2


数据源方法实际上与与表视图的属性tableView:heightForHeaderInSection:关联的视图无关。tableViewHeader这里有两种不同类型的标题,一种位于 tableView 顶部的标题,可以在其中放置搜索栏之类的东西,而多个标题可以在表格视图中的每个部分出现一个。

据我所知,tableViewHeader视图通常在 nib 文件中配置,并且我不知道表视图调用任何允许对其进行任何配置的数据源方法,因此您必须手动进行。坦率地说,如果您的代码有效,那将是一个很好的方法。隐藏它会使表格视图仍然像它在那里一样......完全删除它会使它无法取回,因为它被释放了。

(但是,正如您所说,您可以使用指向标题视图的 IBOutlet,只要您将其设置为强引用,然后您可以稍后以某种方式将其重新插入表中。......嗯,虽然如何您将视图添加到表格视图的滚动视图中,并正确定位它,可能只是烦人。)




- (void)setTableViewHeaderHidden:(BOOL)hide

    // Don't want to muck things up if we are mid an animation.
    if (self.isAnimatingHeader) {

    // This is our IBOutlet property, I am just saving a bit of typing.
    UIView *theHeader = self.theHeaderView;

    if (hide) {

        // Save the original height into the tag, should only be done once.
        if (!theHeader.tag) {
            theHeader.tag = theHeader.frame.size.height;

        // Transform and hide
        if (theHeader.frame.size.height > 0) {

            self.isAnimatingHeader = YES;

            // New frame...
            CGRect frame = theHeader.frame;
            frame.size.height = 0;

            // Figure out some offsets here so we prevent jumping...
            CGPoint originalOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset;

            CGPoint animOffset = originalOffset;
            animOffset.y += MAX(0, theHeader.tag - animOffset.y);

            CGPoint newOffset = originalOffset;
            newOffset.y = MAX(0, newOffset.y - theHeader.tag);

            // Perform the animation
            [UIView animateWithDuration:0.35
                                options: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut
                                 theHeader.frame = frame;
                                 self.tableView.contentOffset = animOffset;
                             completion:^(BOOL finished){
                                 if (finished) {

                                     // Hide the header
                                     self.tableView.tableHeaderView = nil;
                                     theHeader.hidden = YES;

                                     // Shift the content offset so we don't get a jump
                                     self.tableView.contentOffset = newOffset;

                                     // Done animating.
                                     self.isAnimatingHeader = NO;



    } else {

        // Show and transform
        if (theHeader.frame.size.height < theHeader.tag) {

            self.isAnimatingHeader = YES;

            // Set the frame to the original before we transform, so that the tableview corrects the cell positions when we re-add it.
            CGRect originalFrame = theHeader.frame;
            originalFrame.size.height = theHeader.tag;
            theHeader.frame = originalFrame;

            // Show before we transform so that you can see it happen
            self.tableView.tableHeaderView = theHeader;
            theHeader.hidden = NO;

            // Figure out some offsets so we don't get the table jumping...
            CGPoint originalOffset = self.tableView.contentOffset;

            CGPoint startOffset = originalOffset;
            startOffset.y += theHeader.tag;
            self.tableView.contentOffset = startOffset; // Correct for the view insertion right off the bat

            // Now, I don't know if you want the top header to animate in or not. If you think about it, you only *need* to animate the header *out* because the user might be looking at it. I figure only animate it in if the user is already scrolled to the top, but hey, this is open to customization and personal preference.

            if (self.animateInTopHeader && originalOffset.y == 0) {

                CGPoint animOffset = originalOffset;

                // Perform the animation
                [UIView animateWithDuration:0.35
                                    options: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn
                                     self.tableView.contentOffset = animOffset;

                                 completion:^(BOOL finished){
                                     // Done animating.
                                     self.isAnimatingHeader = NO;

            } else {
                self.isAnimatingHeader = NO;



在 Xcode 附带的表格视图模板中构建了它。只是为了把它放在一起,我使用了一个UILongPressGestureRecognizer指向这个方法的选择器出口:

- (IBAction)longPress:(UIGestureRecognizer *)sender
    if (sender.state != UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {
    if (self.hidingHeader) {
        self.hidingHeader = NO;
        [self setTableViewHeaderHidden:NO];
    } else {
        self.hidingHeader = YES;
        [self setTableViewHeaderHidden:YES];



@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *theHeaderView;
@property (nonatomic)         BOOL                       hidingHeader;
@property (nonatomic)         BOOL                       isAnimatingHeader;
@property (nonatomic)         BOOL                       animateInTopHeader;

- (IBAction)longPress:(id)sender;

无论如何,它工作得很好。我确实发现,您肯定必须取消表格视图对标题视图的引用,否则它不会消失,并且表格视图将根据标题框架的高度移动单元格的位置被分配回其标题属性。此外,您必须通过 IBOutlet 保持对标题的强引用,否则当您取消表视图对标题的引用时,它会被丢弃。


于 2012-10-29T01:51:49.853 回答


if (1 == 1) {
    CGRect frame = self.viewHeader.frame;
    frame.size.height = 0;
    self.viewHeader.frame = frame;

    self.viewHeader.hidden = YES;


if (1 == 1) {
    self.viewHeader.hidden = YES;

如果您不再想要视图而不仅仅是隐藏,请使用[self.viewHeader removeFromSuperview]; And 如果您想在删除后添加它[self.view addSubview:self.viewHeader];所有这些取决于您的要求。



if (data.something == 0) {
   //set frame1 as frame without tableHeaderView
   self.tableView.frame = frame1;
   self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = YES;
} else {
   //set frame2 as frame with tableHeaderView
   self.tableView.frame = frame2;
   self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = NO;


if (data.something == 0) {
   //set frame1 as frame without tableHeaderView
   self.tableView.frame = frame1;
   self.tableView.tableHeaderView = nil;
} else {
   //set frame2 as frame with tableHeaderView
   self.tableView.frame = frame2;
   self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.headerView; //assuming that self.headerview is the tableHeaderView created while creating the tableview


if (data.something == 0) {

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut
                         //set frame1 as frame without tableHeaderView
                         self.tableView.frame = frame1;
                         self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = YES; // or self.tableView.tableHeaderView = nil;

                     completion:^(BOOL finished){
                         //if required keep self.tableView.frame = frame1;

} else {
    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 delay:0.0 options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn
                         //set frame2 as frame with tableHeaderView
                         self.tableView.frame = frame2;
                         self.tableView.tableHeaderView.hidden = NO;// or self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.headerView;
                     completion:^(BOOL finished){
                         //if required keep self.tableView.frame = frame2;
于 2012-10-28T18:59:03.377 回答