今天我发现,当我将专辑封面添加到 iTunes 时,它实际上只是将其添加到了每张专辑中的一些曲目中。所以我做了任何人都会做的事情,并尝试编写一个脚本来纠正它。
这是第一次尝试,经过大约 3 小时的修补。它假定您已选择专辑中的所有歌曲。
#! /usr/local/bin/macruby
framework 'Foundation'
framework 'ScriptingBridge'
itunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier("com.apple.itunes")
tracks = itunes.selection.get
# Find some track with artwork
artwork = tracks.map { |track| track.artworks[0] }.find { |a| a }
raise "No selected song has artwork" if artwork.nil?
# I checked artwork.rawData and it is PNG wrapped in an NSConcreteData.
pngData = artwork.rawData
tracks.each do |track|
if track.artworks[0]
puts "[O] #{track.name}"
puts "[X] #{track.name}"
# Adding the same artwork object is apparently NG so we get the data from it
# and make a copy.
# There is probably a more straight-forward way to clone an object but
# artwork.copy raises an exception.
# I have tried using the keys 'data' and 'raw data' instead - same results.
dict = {rawData: pngData}
artwork_copy = itunes.classForScriptingClass('artwork').alloc.initWithProperties(dict)
raise "Didn't actually add the artwork" if track.artworks.empty?
对 addObject 的调用不会引发异常,但我注意到它实际上并没有将艺术品添加到轨道(因此检查下一行以加快脚本测试。)
我主要从 ScriptingBridge 的 Objective-C 示例中工作,也找不到其他人做过的任何地方。获得艺术品的例子很多,但设置它的例子却很少......
I did find an interesting mailing list thread from four years ago where someone else had a similar issue, but they never came to a solution either (or found it and didn't post it to the thread, which is worse and if they did that, they're a bad person and should feel bad.)