我有一个 LIST
C: w r t y i o p s d f g h j k l z b n m
V: a e i o u
E: n m ng
我想使用 打印 C、V 和 E(或者可能只是 C 和 V、C 和 E 等)的每个组合doseq
"CV" [x y] (str x y )
"CVE" [x y z] (str x y z)
"CVCV" [x y z a] (str x y z a)
(ns word-generator )
(use 'clojure.string)
(import 'java.io.File)
(use 'clojure.java.io)
(defn get-lines [fname]
(with-open [r (reader fname)]
(doall (line-seq r))))
(defn get-list [x lines]
(first (remove nil?
(for [num (range (count lines)) ]
(if (= (first(split (nth lines num) #"\s+")) x)
(rest(split (nth lines num) #"\s+")))))))
(def sounds(get-lines "LIST")) ;; get the list
(def C (get-list "C:" sounds)) ;; map consonants
(def V (get-list "V:" sounds)) ;; map vowels
(def E (get-list "E:" sounds)) ;; map end consonants
(def LI "CVE") ;; word structure
(defn word-runner[carry args depth]
(doseq [x C y V z E] (println (str x y z)))) ;; iterate and make the words
(defn runner[]
( (print "enter arg list: ")
(def INPUT (read-line))
(word-runner "" INPUT 0)))
在文件中找到的所有字符序列上进行嵌套循环 - 但在编译时不知道文件中的行数?