ViewBag、ViewData、TempData 在我第一次调用视图时只调用一次?
因为我想使用 Ajax 进行更改(每 10 秒,我调用 Ajax)
==================== 在控制器中... =======================
public ActionResult OriginView()
ViewBag.IntData = 1;
return View();
public JsonResult ChangeViewBag(int CurrentInterval)
ViewBag.IntData = CurrentInterval;
return Json(new{IntData=CurrentInterval},JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
================= 在 OriginView.cshtml 中... =======================
var CurrentInterval = 2
$.getJSON('@Url.Action("ChangeViewBag","Controller")', {CurrentInterval:CurrentInterval},function(response){
@*CurrentInterval++ every ten sec, I want to use CHANGED ViewBag here!*@
alert(@ViewBag.IntData) @*but **Result is still 1**, unchanged!*@
alert(response.IntData) @*ofcourse I can use it in this way. *@
@* but I should use below ASP.NET CODE
string TimeData = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(**ViewBag.IntData**).ToString();
***The position is impossible to javascript variable.*** right?*@