我有一个 27 列的 excel 文件。我想编写一个 python 代码,它逐列读取并将最后 5 个值存储在 coloum 中,这将对它们进行数学方程。


from math import tan

#Write Header
#outFile.write('Test Name,X+ avg,X+ std,X+ count,X- avg,X- std,X- count,X angle,Y+ avg,Y+ std,Y+ count,Y- avg,Y- std,Y- count,Y angle\n')

#for line in inFile:

if 1==1:

    line = [1,2,38.702,37.867,35.821, 44, 49,55,65,20,25,28,89.]

    line0= len(line)
    print "the list size"
    print line0

    line1 = len(line) -5  #takes the overall line and subtracts 5. 
    print "the is the start of the 5 #'s we need"
    print line1 #prints the line

    d= line[line1:line0]       #pops all the values from in the line (..)
    print "these are the 5 #'s we need"
    print d


    print "the lowest value is"
    print lo

    print "the highest value is"
    print hi

    average1 = float (sum(d))/ len(d)   #sum
    print "the average of the values is"
    print average1

“line = [1,2,38.702,37.867,35.821, 44, 49,55,65,20,25,28,89.]”部分我希望 python 自动读取列,存储最后 5 个值和做上面的数学分析。


2 回答 2



columnOffset = 2 # column offset is (the letter as a number - 1), a = (1-1), b = (2-1)
rowOffset = 35 # row offset is row number - 1

wb = load_workbook('test.xlsx')
ws = wb.get_active_sheet()
for column in ws.columns[columnOffset:27]: #because you have 27 columns to parse through
    for rowIndex, cell in enumerate(column[-5:]):
        if rowIndex >= rowOffset:
            print cell.value

不幸的是,openpyxl 对列的支持并不好,因此您必须使用索引来获取列。

基于 xlrd

import xlrd

wb = xlrd.open_workbook("C:\Users\Asus\Desktop\herp.xls")
sh = wb.sheet_by_name(u'A Snazzy Title')

for index in xrange(2, 4):
    lastFive = sh.col_values(index, start_rowx=59, end_rowx=64)
    print lastFive

看起来 xlrd 将整个电子表格视为 2D 列表,因此请记住从 0 开始索引。是的,xlrd 完全基于 python。


于 2012-10-26T22:21:20.490 回答

仅供参考,还有xlrd/ xlwt,来自 python-excel 项目(http://www.python-excel.org/)。不过,您还需要下载它。我从来没有使用过openpyxl,所以我不能说哪个更好。

于 2012-10-26T23:06:33.700 回答