CloudFoundry 的文档表明支持 Node.js 版本 0.8.2。但是,当我针对本地微型版本运行“vmc 运行时”时,它只列出了 node 和 node06(而不是 node08)

我在我的机器上本地运行 0.8.2 - 如何升级 Micro 版以便它也安装了 0.8.2?


3 回答 3


Micro Cloud Foundry 1.2 was released before Node.js 0.8.2 support was added. MCF currently cannot be upgraded to support it. However, a new MCF version is planned for the very near future which will bring parity to all the feature on CloudFoundry.com. We also plan a faster release cadence of MCF so it doesn't fall behind on features.

于 2012-10-26T18:03:49.343 回答

Micro Cloud Foundry 刚刚更新为与 github 上的代码库同步,因此它现在支持 Node.js 0.8.2。在此处阅读公告:http: //blog.cloudfoundry.com/2012/11/08/new-release-of-micro-cloud-foundry/

于 2012-11-12T10:15:24.843 回答

修补 MCF 1.2 以添加节点 0.8 并不是一件容易的事,您需要安装相关软件包并将信息添加到 Cloud Foundry 清单文件以使其能够宣传 node08 运行时。

但是,下一个 Micro Cloud Foundry 版本应该很快就会发布,所以如果你能再坚持一会儿,我们应该给你一些好消息 :-)

出于兴趣,您希望构建/运行需要 0.8.x 的应用程序?

于 2012-10-27T17:02:58.180 回答