
stackoverflow Mod just closed down an ops support request as non-programming. Fair from the stackoverflow perspective.

It's just that Google has dumped support for GAE on stackoverflow. https://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java Struck me as odd, but I thought they'd be on the same page with stackoverflow for it. Apparently not.

So where does the (disenchanted!) user of GAE turn for ops support?!


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我认为您误解了公告电子邮件。它表明 Stack Overflow 将成为开发问题的官方渠道(非常适合 SO 模型)。而且,虽然特定于运行时的组已关闭,但通用论坛仍然开放:

google-appengine http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine小组将继续开放,以供更适合小组形式的一般讨论和公告使用。

于 2012-10-26T18:13:23.860 回答