var name, product, price, discount, quantity;
var name = prompt("What is your name?", "Enter name");
var sentence = "Hello " + name + " please look through our available products and services before placing your order.";
var product = prompt("Please enter the name of the product you are looking to purchase from the table.", "Enter product");
var quantity = 1*prompt("How many " + product + " would you like to purchase?", "Enter quantity");
var cost = price * quantity;
var orderdiscount = price * discount * quantity;
var totalcost = cost - orderdiscount;
a = confirm(+ name + ", you ordered " + quantity + " of " + product + ". Is this correct?");
if (a) {
total = cost - (price * discount * quantity);
if (product === "ice cream cake") {
price = 20;
discount = .15;
} else if (product === "ice cream cone") {
price = 3;
discount = .01;
} else if (product === "small ice cream sundae") {
price = 5;
discount = .05;
} else if (product === "large ice cream sundae") {
price = 6;
discount = .05;
} else if (prompt = ("Sorry, " + name + ". You entered an invalid product. Refresh the page to reload and place the order again.")) {
alert("Refresh the page to reload and place a new order");
document.write("Thank you for placing an order with us, " + name + ".");
document.write("The cost of buying " + quantity + " of " + product + " is " + cost + ".");
document.write("The discount for this purchase is " + orderdiscount + ".");
document.write("With the discount, your total order cost is " + totalcost + ".");
“感谢您向我们下订单。购买 1 个冰淇淋蛋糕的成本为 NaN。此次购买的折扣为 NaN。加上折扣后,您的总订单成本为 NaN。”
应该有计算数字来代替那些 NaN。这段代码中的什么导致这种情况发生?