我希望能够显示和跟踪总的运行记录。IE 而不是你在运行它时看到的显示为 1 或 2 的频率,因为索引太小了,它会计算整个语料库并显示频率。
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Ngram Project
#Import all of the libraries we will need for the program to function
import nltk
import nltk.collocations
from collections import defaultdict
import nltk.corpus as corpus
from nltk.corpus import brown
#create our list with the Brown corpus inside variable called "news"
news = corpus.brown.sents(categories = 'editorial')
#This will display the type of variable Python recognizes this as
print "News Is Of The Variable Type : ",type(news),'\n'
#This function will take in the corpus one line at a time
#After searching through and adding a <s> to the beggning of each list item, it also annotates periods out for </s>'
def alter_list(corpus_list):
#Simply check for an instance of a period, and if so, replace with '</s>'
if corpus_list[-1] == '.':
corpus_list[-1] = '</s>'
#Stripe is a modifier that allows us to remove all special characters, IE '\n'
#Else add to the end of the list item
return ['<s>'] + corpus_list
#Displays the length of the list 'news'
print "The Length of News is : ",len(news),'\n'
#Allows the user to choose how much of the annotated corpus they would like to see
print "How many lines of the <s> // </s> annotated corpus would you like to see? ", '\n'
user = input()
#Takes user input to determine how many lines to display if any
if(user >= 1):
print "The Corpus Annotated with <s> and </s> looks like : "
print "Displaying [",user,"] rows of the corpus : ", '\n'
for corpus_list in news[:user]:
#Non positive number catch
print "Fine I Won't Show You Any... ",'\n'
print '\n'
#Again allows the user to choose the number of lists from Brown corpus to be displayed in
# Unigram, bigram, trigram and quadgram format
user2 = input("How many list sequences would you like to see broken into bigrams, trigrams, and quadgrams? ")
count = 0
#Function 'ngrams' is run in a loop so that each entry in the list can be gone through and turned into information
#Displayed to the user
while(count < user2):
passer = news[count]
def ngrams(passer, n = 2, padding = True):
#Padding refers to the same idea demonstrated above, that is bump the first word to the second, making
#'None' the first item in each list so that calculations of frequencies can be made
pad = [] if not padding else [None]*(n-1)
grams = pad + passer + pad
return (tuple(grams[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(grams) - (n - 1)))
#In this case, arguments are first: n-gram type (bi, tri, quad)
#Followed by in our case the addition of 'padding'
#Padding is used in every case here because we need it for calculations
#This function structure allows us to pull in corpus parts without the added annotations if need be
for size, padding in ((1,1), (2,1), (3, 1), (4, 1)):
print '\n%d - grams || padding = %d' % (size, padding)
print list(ngrams(passer, size, padding))
# show frequency
counts = defaultdict(int)
for n_gram in ngrams(passer, 2, False):
counts[n_gram] += 1
print ("======================================================================================")
print '\nFrequencies Of Bigrams:'
for c, n_gram in sorted(((c, n_gram) for n_gram, c in counts.iteritems()), reverse = True):
print c, n_gram
print '\nFrequencies Of Trigrams:'
for c, n_gram in sorted(((c, n_gram) for n_gram, c in counts.iteritems()), reverse = True):
print c, n_gram
count = count + 1