我想知道 Visual Studio 行数以及为什么我看到的不是报告的内容。因此,我编写了一个小型 C# 控制台程序来计算纯代码行数并将结果写入 CSV 文件(见下文)。
打开一个新的解决方案,将其复制并粘贴到 Program.cs 文件中,构建可执行文件,然后您就可以开始了。这是一个 .Net 3.5 应用程序。将其复制到代码库的最顶层目录中。打开命令窗口并运行可执行文件。您会收到两个提示,第一个是程序/子系统的名称,另一个是您要分析的任何额外文件类型。然后它将结果写入当前目录中的 CSV 文件。适合您的目的或交给管理层的好简单的事情。
Anyhoo,这里是 FWIW 和 YMMV:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
namespace CodeMetricsConsole
class Program
// Concept here is that the program has a list of file extensions to do line counts on; it
// gets any extra extensions at startup from the user. Then it gets a list of files based on
// each extension in the current directory and all subdirectories. Then it walks through
// each file line by line and will display counts for that file and for that file extension.
// It writes that information to a CSV file in the current directory. It uses regular expressions
// on each line of each file to figure out what it's looking at, and how to count it (i.e. is it
// a line of code, a single or multi line comment, a multi-line string, or a whitespace line).
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(); // spacing
// prompt user for subsystem or application name
String userInput_subSystemName;
Console.Write("Enter the name of this application or subsystem (required): ");
userInput_subSystemName = Console.ReadLine();
if (userInput_subSystemName.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Application or subsystem name required, exiting.");
Console.WriteLine(); // spacing
// prompt user for additional types
String userInput_additionalFileTypes;
Console.WriteLine("Default extensions are asax, css, cs, js, aspx, ascx, master, txt, jsp, java, php, bas");
Console.WriteLine("Enter a comma-separated list of additional file extensions (if any) you wish to analyze");
Console.Write(" --> ");
userInput_additionalFileTypes = Console.ReadLine();
// tell user processing is starting
Console.WriteLine("Getting LOC counts...");
// the default file types to analyze - hashset to avoid duplicates if the user supplies extensions
HashSet allowedExtensions = new HashSet { "asax", "css", "cs", "js", "aspx", "ascx", "master", "txt", "jsp", "java", "php", "bas" };
// Add user-supplied types to allowedExtensions if any
String[] additionalFileTypes;
String[] separator = { "," };
if (userInput_additionalFileTypes.Length > 0)
// split string into array of additional file types
additionalFileTypes = userInput_additionalFileTypes.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// walk through user-provided file types and append to default file types
foreach (String ext in additionalFileTypes)
allowedExtensions.Add(ext.Trim()); // remove spaces
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
// summary file to write to
String summaryFile = userInput_subSystemName + "_Summary.csv";
String path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
String pathAndFile = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + summaryFile;
// regexes for the different line possibilities
Regex oneLineComment = new Regex(@"^\s*//"); // match whitespace to two slashes
Regex startBlockComment = new Regex(@"^\s*/\*.*"); // match whitespace to /*
Regex whiteSpaceOnly = new Regex(@"^\s*$"); // match whitespace only
Regex code = new Regex(@"\S*"); // match anything but whitespace
Regex endBlockComment = new Regex(@".*\*/"); // match anything and */ - only used after block comment detected
Regex oneLineBlockComment = new Regex(@"^\s*/\*.*\*/.*"); // match whitespace to /* ... */
Regex multiLineStringStart = new Regex("^[^\"]*@\".*"); // match @" - don't match "@"
Regex multiLineStringEnd = new Regex("^.*\".*"); // match double quotes - only used after multi line string start detected
Regex oneLineMLString = new Regex("^.*@\".*\""); // match @"..."
Regex vbaComment = new Regex(@"^\s*'"); // match whitespace to single quote
// Uncomment these two lines to test your regex with the function testRegex() below
//new Program().testRegex(oneLineMLString);
FileStream fs = null;
String line = null;
int codeLineCount = 0;
int commentLineCount = 0;
int wsLineCount = 0;
int multiLineStringCount = 0;
int fileCodeLineCount = 0;
int fileCommentLineCount = 0;
int fileWsLineCount = 0;
int fileMultiLineStringCount = 0;
Boolean inBlockComment = false;
Boolean inMultiLineString = false;
// write to summary CSV file, overwrite if exists, don't append
using (StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter(pathAndFile, false))
// outFile header
outFile.WriteLine("filename, codeLineCount, commentLineCount, wsLineCount, mlsLineCount");
// walk through files with specified extensions
foreach (String allowed_extension in allowedExtensions)
String extension = "*." + allowed_extension;
// reset accumulating values for extension
codeLineCount = 0;
commentLineCount = 0;
wsLineCount = 0;
multiLineStringCount = 0;
// Get all files in current directory and subdirectories with specified extension
String[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), extension, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// walk through all files of this type
for (int i = 0; i < fileList.Length; i++)
// reset values for this file
fileCodeLineCount = 0;
fileCommentLineCount = 0;
fileWsLineCount = 0;
fileMultiLineStringCount = 0;
inBlockComment = false;
inMultiLineString = false;
// open file
fs = new FileStream(fileList[i], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(fs))
// walk through lines in file
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
if (inBlockComment)
if (whiteSpaceOnly.IsMatch(line))
if (endBlockComment.IsMatch(line)) inBlockComment = false;
else if (inMultiLineString)
if (multiLineStringEnd.IsMatch(line)) inMultiLineString = false;
// not in a block comment or multi-line string
if (oneLineComment.IsMatch(line))
else if (oneLineBlockComment.IsMatch(line))
else if ((startBlockComment.IsMatch(line)) && (!(oneLineBlockComment.IsMatch(line))))
inBlockComment = true;
else if (whiteSpaceOnly.IsMatch(line))
else if (oneLineMLString.IsMatch(line))
else if ((multiLineStringStart.IsMatch(line)) && (!(oneLineMLString.IsMatch(line))))
inMultiLineString = true;
else if ((vbaComment.IsMatch(line)) && (allowed_extension.Equals("txt") || allowed_extension.Equals("bas"))
// none of the above, thus it is a code line
} // while
outFile.WriteLine(fileList[i] + ", " + fileCodeLineCount + ", " + fileCommentLineCount + ", " + fileWsLineCount + ", " + fileMultiLineStringCount);
fs = null;
} // using
if (fs != null) fs.Dispose();
// update accumulating values
codeLineCount = codeLineCount + fileCodeLineCount;
commentLineCount = commentLineCount + fileCommentLineCount;
wsLineCount = wsLineCount + fileWsLineCount;
multiLineStringCount = multiLineStringCount + fileMultiLineStringCount;
} // for (specific file)
outFile.WriteLine("Summary for: " + extension + ", " + codeLineCount + ", " + commentLineCount + ", " + wsLineCount + ", " + multiLineStringCount);
} // foreach (all files with specified extension)
} // using summary file streamwriter
Console.WriteLine("Analysis complete, file is: " + pathAndFile);
} // try block
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
catch (Exception e2)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e2.Message);
} // main
// local testing function for debugging purposes
private void testRegex(Regex rx)
String test = " asdfasd asdf @\" adf ++--// /*\" ";
if (rx.IsMatch(test))
Console.WriteLine(" -->| " + rx.ToString() + " | matched: " + test);
Console.WriteLine("No match");
} // class
} // namespace
- 该程序有一组您要分析的文件扩展名。
- 它遍历集合中的每个扩展,在当前和所有子目录中获取该类型的所有文件。
- 它选择每个文件,遍历该文件的每一行,将每一行与正则表达式进行比较以找出它正在查看的内容,并在确定正在查看的内容后增加行数。
- 如果一行不是空格、单行或多行注释或多行字符串,则将其计为一行代码。它报告每种类型的行(代码、注释、空格、多行字符串)的所有计数,并将它们写入 CSV 文件。无需解释为什么 Visual Studio 将某些东西算作一行代码。
是的,三个循环相互嵌入(O(n-cubed) O_O),但它只是一个简单的独立开发工具,我运行它的最大代码库大约是 350K 行,大约需要 10 秒在酷睿 i7 上运行。
编辑:刚刚在 Firefox 12 代码库上运行它,大约 430 万行(3.3M 代码,1M 评论),大约 21K 文件,使用 AMD Phenom 处理器 - 花了 7 分钟,在任务管理器中查看性能选项卡,没有压力。供参考。
它可以很容易地定制为忽略或计算您想要的任何内容(括号、命名空间、文件顶部的包含等)。只需添加正则表达式,使用正则表达式下方的函数对其进行测试,然后使用该正则表达式更新 if 语句。