使用 Dart,我有awesome.html,但我希望它是/awesome. 这纯粹是一个.htaccess(我正在使用 Apache)的事情,还是有办法通过 Dart 或“现代 Web 开发”方式来解决这个问题?


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .*[^/]$ %{REQUEST_URI}/ [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ $1.html [L]

但是然后我所有的相对 URL 引用(到 css/js/images)都中断了,如果我将它们从“assets/whatever”重写为“/assets/whatever”,它会在 Dart 编辑器中工作时中断,因为它使用 URL 之类的:



2 回答 2



答案取决于您的 Dart 服务器虚拟机前面是否有代理或 Web 服务器。如果你前面有一个代理,那么代理可以在请求到达你的 Dart VM 之前进行 URL 重写。无论如何,这是一个不错的场景,因为代理可以进行缓存、SSL、负载平衡等等。在这种情况下,Dart VM 只是一个“应用服务器”。作为最佳实践,我建议在前面放置一个工业级 Web 服务器或代理。

但是,如果你想纯粹在 Dart 中进行 URL 屏蔽和重写,这里有一些代码。正如 Kai 在上面的评论中所说,这通常是框架的工作。但无论如何我都会在这里包含一些代码来娱乐。:)

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json';

class StaticFileHandler {
  final String basePath;


  _send404(HttpResponse response) {
    response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;

  String rewritePath(String path) {
    String newPath = path;

    if (path == '/' || path.endsWith('/')) {
      newPath = '${path}index.html'; 
    } else if (!path.endsWith('.html')) {
      newPath = "${path}.html";

    return newPath;

  // TODO: etags, last-modified-since support
  onRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
    String path = rewritePath(request.path);

    final File file = new File('${basePath}${path}');
    file.exists().then((found) {
      if (found) {
        file.fullPath().then((String fullPath) {
          if (!fullPath.startsWith(basePath)) {
          } else {
      } else {


runServer(String basePath, int port) {
  HttpServer server = new HttpServer();

  server.defaultRequestHandler = new StaticFileHandler(basePath).onRequest;
  server.onError = (error) => print(error);
  server.listen('', 1337);
  print('listening for connections on $port');

main() {
  var script = new File(new Options().script);
  var directory = script.directorySync();
  runServer("${directory.path}", 1337);
于 2012-10-26T16:01:12.327 回答

By the way, I've updated the rewritePath() function in Seth's code some so that it doesn't rewrite assets like .dart and .css files to .html, and so that it works w/ my client-side stuff living in /web.

  String rewritePath(String path) {
    String newPath = path;

    if (path == '/' || path.endsWith('/')) {
      newPath = '/web${path}index.html';
    } else if (!path.endsWith('.html')) {
      if (path.contains('.')) {
        newPath = '/web${path}';
      } else {
        newPath = '/web${path}.html';
    } else {
      newPath = '/web${path}.html';

    //peek into how it's rewriting the paths
    print('$path -> $newPath');

    return newPath;

It's of course super basic, and a framework that handles routing would certainly come in handy (would love to see what you're building @Kai).

于 2012-11-07T02:06:38.270 回答