我制作了一个名为 Product 的函数,用于在 JavaScript 中创建对象。现在我有一个名为 setProduct 的函数,它从我的数据库 (websql) 中获取数据,并将数据库中的所有这些数据设置在当前对象中。这是我的代码:

function Product(nr, name, description, brand, category, price, tags, color, seccolor, image, sizes, db) {
    this.nr             = nr;
    this.name           = name;
    this.description    = description;
    this.brand          = brand;
    this.category       = category;
    this.price          = price;
    this.tags           = tags;
    this.color          = color;
    this.seccolor       = color;
    this.image          = image;
    this.sizes          = sizes;
    this.db             = db;

        Product.prototype.setProduct = function(id, cb) {
        var self = this;
        var query = "SELECT * from products WHERE id='"+id+"';"
        var res;
        this.db.exec(query, function(results) {
            res = results.rows.item(0);
            self.nr             = res.prod_nr;
            self.description    = res.prod_description;
            self.brand          = res.prod_brand;
            self.category       = res.prod_category;
            self.price          = res.prod_price;
            self.tags           = res.prod_tags;
            self.color          = res.prod_color;
            self.seccolor       = res.prod_sec_color;
            self.image          = res.prod_image;
            self.sizes          = res.available_sizes;
            self.name           = res.prod_name;

this.db = 我的数据库对象。setProduct 从该对象调用 exec 函数。就是这个代码:

Database.prototype.exec = function(query, cb) {
        this.db.transaction(function(tx) {
            tx.executeSql(query, [], function(tx, results) {

                if (typeof(cb) == 'function') {


我尝试使用几个 console.logs 来查看数据丢失的位置,但我无法以某种方式找到它。


$("div#home").off('click').on('click','li', function() { 
            var product = prod;
            var prod_id = $(this).attr("id");
            prod.setProduct(prod_id, function(a) {
                if (a) {
                    console.log(prod.name); // console.log gives undefined

1 回答 1



$("div#home").off('click').on('click','li', function() { 
            var product = prod; // FOR THE INNER SCOPE
            var prod_id = $(this).attr("id");
            prod.setProduct(prod_id, function(a) {
                if (a) {
                    console.log(prod.name); // prod.name has to be product.name, as defined above
                    console.log(product.name); // WORKS!

于 2012-10-26T11:54:55.310 回答