

主要问题是我想在产品集合达到 30 行时拆分(好吧,分区,如果你使用 clojure 的术语),所以我可以开始另一个页面。有没有办法遍历集合,计算出最多 30 行的总行(如果有一个多行产品,否则会超过 30 行)然后拆分它?


[{:qty 2 :size "M" :product "Testing 1 2 3"}
 {:qty 1 :size "S" :product "Hello there world"}
 {:qty 12 :size "XS" :product "Some really long product name just to test"}
 {:qty 932 :size "L" :product "More longer names to play with"}
 {:qty 1 :size "M" :product "Another product name"}
 {:qty 1242 :size "XS" :product "This is just an obscenely long product name that I am hoping will spill over on to the next lines"}
 {:qty 2 :size "M" :product "Testing 1 2 3"}
 {:qty 1 :size "S" :product "Hello there world"}
 {:qty 12 :size "XS" :product "Some really long product name just to test"}
 {:qty 932 :size "L" :product "More longer names to play with"}
 {:qty 1 :size "M" :product "Another product name"}
 {:qty 1242 :size "XS" :product "This is just an obscenely long product name that I am hoping will spill over on to the next lines"}
 {:qty 2 :size "M" :product "Testing 1 2 3"}
 {:qty 1 :size "S" :product "Hello there world"}
 {:qty 12 :size "XS" :product "Some really long product name just to test"}
 {:qty 932 :size "L" :product "More longer names to play with"}
 {:qty 1 :size "M" :product "Another product name"}
 {:qty 1242 :size "XS" :product "This is just an obscenely long product name that I am hoping will spill over on to the next lines"}]


[[{:qty 2 :size "M" :product "Testing 1 2 3"}
  {:qty 1 :size "S" :product "Hello there world"}
  {:qty 12 :size "XS" :product "Some really long product name just to test"}
  {:qty 932 :size "L" :product "More longer names to play with"}
  {:qty 1 :size "M" :product "Another product name"}
  {:qty 1242 :size "XS" :product "This is just an obscenely long product name that I am hoping will spill over on to the next lines"}
  {:qty 2 :size "M" :product "Testing 1 2 3"}
  {:qty 1 :size "S" :product "Hello there world"}
  {:qty 12 :size "XS" :product "Some really long product name just to test"}
  {:qty 932 :size "L" :product "More longer names to play with"}
  {:qty 1 :size "M" :product "Another product name"}]
 [{:qty 1242 :size "XS" :product "This is just an obscenely long product name that I am hoping will spill over on to the next lines"}
  {:qty 2 :size "M" :product "Testing 1 2 3"}
  {:qty 1 :size "S" :product "Hello there world"}
  {:qty 12 :size "XS" :product "Some really long product name just to test"}
  {:qty 932 :size "L" :product "More longer names to play with"}
  {:qty 1 :size "M" :product "Another product name"}
  {:qty 1242 :size "XS" :product "This is just an obscenely long product name that I am hoping will spill over on to the next lines"}]]

产品名称的最大行长为 25 个字符



1 回答 1




如何将字符串序列分组为相邻字符串的子组,每个子组中最多n 个字符?


;; Data
(def input
  ["asdjasjdklasj" "dkjfsj" "dfkjsj" "kfjskd" "skdjfsjkdjdfs"
   "dfjskd" "wiuennsdw" "dskjdfsdjwed" "wiuf" "mncxnejs" "fjsjd"
   "dkjsf" "djsk" "djf" "erjfdkjcxzasd" "sjkja"])

;; Counting function
(def char-count count)

;; Partition function
(defn group-to-size [size coll]
    (loop [[x & xs' :as xs] coll, n 0, acc []]
      (if (nil? x) (cons acc nil)
        (let [n' (+ n (char-count x))]
          (if (<= n' size)
            (recur xs' n' (conj acc x))
            (cons acc (group-to-size size xs))))))))

;; Sample grouping by 15 characters
(group-to-size 15 input)

; => (["asdjasjdklasj"]
;     ["dkjfsj" "dfkjsj"]
;     ["kfjskd"]
;     ["skdjfsjkdjdfs"]
;     ["dfjskd" "wiuennsdw"]
;     ["dskjdfsdjwed"]
;     ["wiuf" "mncxnejs"]
;     ["fjsjd" "dkjsf" "djsk"]
;     ["djf"]
;     ["erjfdkjcxzasd"]
;     ["sjkja"])

;; Resulting character counts per group for the above sample
(->> (group-to-size 15 input)
     (map (comp count (partial apply concat))))

; => (13 12 6 13 15 12 12 14 3 13 5)



于 2012-10-26T02:03:17.803 回答