-(NSArray*)periodsForCompanies:(NSArray*)companies figureType:(NSString*)figureType
{.. };
- (NSArray*)periodsForCompanies:(NSArray*)companies figureType:(NSString*)figureType actualValuesOnly:(BOOL)actualValuesOnly
// fetch all periods
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:@"IBEstPeriod"];
NSPredicate *predicate = [[NSPredicate alloc]init];
if (actualValuesOnly == YES)
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(company IN %@) AND (ANY estType.actValue != nil) AND (ANY estType.type == %@)", self.companies, figureType];
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(company IN %@) AND (ANY estType.type == %@)", self.companies, figureType];
request.predicate = predicate;
request.resultType = NSDictionaryResultType;
request.returnsDistinctResults = YES;
request.propertiesToFetch = @[@"endCalYear",@"endMonth",@"periodLength"];
request.sortDescriptors =
@[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"endCalYear" ascending:NO],
[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"endMonth" ascending:NO],
[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"periodLength" ascending:NO]];
NSError *fetchError = nil;
NSArray *results = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&fetchError];
NSMutableArray *distinctPeriods = results.mutableCopy;
if (fetchError) {
NSLog(@"Error during fetch request:%@", [fetchError localizedDescription]);
} else {
// NSLog(@"results: %@",results);
// remove periods for which not all companies have data for estimate type specified
NSString const *endCalYearKey = @"endCalYear";
NSString const *endMonthKey = @"endMonth";
NSString const *periodLengthKey = @"periodLength";
const NSIndexPath *yoyGrowthIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0];
const NSIndexPath *seqGrowthIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:0];
const NSIndexPath *customGrowthIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:2 inSection:0];
NSMutableIndexSet *indexesForPeriodsToRemove = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
[distinctPeriods enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSDictionary *estPeriodDict, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSNumber *endCalYear = estPeriodDict[endCalYearKey];
NSNumber *endMonth = estPeriodDict[endMonthKey];
NSNumber *periodLength = estPeriodDict[periodLengthKey];
NSPredicate *predicate = [[NSPredicate alloc]init];
UITableView *tableView = [self tableView];
if ( [[tableView indexPathForSelectedRow] isEqual:customGrowthIndexPath] ) {
// company predicate:
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"ANY estimateType.type == %@ "
"AND SUBQUERY(estimatePeriod, $x, $x.endCalYear == %@ AND $x.endMonth == %@ AND $x.periodLength == %@ AND ANY $x.estType.type == %@).@count > 0",
endCalYear, endMonth, periodLength, figureType];
} else if ( [[tableView indexPathForSelectedRow] isEqual:yoyGrowthIndexPath] ) {
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"ANY estimateType.type == %@ "
"AND SUBQUERY(estimatePeriod, $x, $x.endCalYear == %@ AND $x.endMonth == %@ AND $x.periodLength == %@ AND ANY $x.estType.type == %@).@count > 0"
"AND SUBQUERY(estimatePeriod, $x, $x.endCalYear == %i AND $x.endMonth == %@ AND $x.periodLength == %@ AND ANY $x.estType.type == %@).@count > 0",
endCalYear, endMonth, periodLength, figureType,
endCalYear.integerValue - 1, endMonth, periodLength, figureType];
} else if ( [[tableView indexPathForSelectedRow] isEqual:seqGrowthIndexPath] ) {
// TODO: rewrite
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"ANY estimateType.type == %@ "
"AND SUBQUERY(estimatePeriod, $x, $x.endCalYear == %@ AND $x.endMonth == %@ AND $x.periodLength == %@ AND ANY $x.estType.type == %@).@count > 0",
endCalYear, endMonth, periodLength, figureType];
} else {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"TableView: Invalid selection state in section 0 (NSIndexPath: %@)",super.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow];
NSArray *companiesWithDataForPeriod = [self.companies filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
NSLog(@"type: %@, period: %@/%@(%@), companies: %@", figureType, endCalYear, endMonth, periodLength,[companiesWithDataForPeriod valueForKey:@"contrSymbol"]);
// mark periods which are not defined for all companies for removal (from display):
if ( companiesWithDataForPeriod.count < self.companies.count ) [indexesForPeriodsToRemove addIndex:idx];
}]; // end block
[distinctPeriods removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexesForPeriodsToRemove];
return distinctPeriods;