It seems that it is impossible with Grails to map a domain class to a database table that has is a foreign key column named 'interface'. In my case there's a relationship with two tables INTERFACE and INTERFACE_DETAILS. They are legacy databases and column names can not be changed or added.
Put it simple INTERFACE_DETAILS has an FK column 'INTERFACE' referring to PK INTERFACE.ID
class Interface {
String id;
static mapping = {
version false
id generator: 'assigned'
id column: 'id', sqlType:"varchar2(20)"
class InterfaceDetails {
Interface iface;
static belongsTo = [iface: Interface]
static mapping = {
version false
id column: 'interface'
iface column: 'INTERFACE', sqlType:"varchar2(20)", insertable: false, updateable: false
I'm currently using H2 database. When I try to add a row to InterfaceDetails this error occurs:
Referential integrity constraint violation: "FK351396597E3917F9: PUBLIC.INTERFACE_DETAILS FOREIGN KEY(INTERFACE) REFERENCES PUBLIC.INTERFACE(ID)"; SQL statement: insert into INTERFACE_DETAILS (interface) values (null) [23506-164]
I wonder why hibernate adds null for 'interface' value ?
I do have to have line : "id column: 'interface'" because in other case Hibernate will generate an extra column: "iface_id" and this is not suitable. Existing database columns can not be changed.
This is quite puzzling. Please tell me that Grails can handle this situation.
stripped down schema:
create table interface (id varchar2(20) not null,primary key (id));
create table interface_details (interface varchar2(20) not null, name varchar(255) not null, primary key (interface));
alter table interface_details add constraint FK_INTERFACE foreign key (interface) references interface;