假设我有一个计算器类,它使用std::function以下对象实现策略模式(参见 Scott Meyers,Effective C++:55 Specific Ways to Improvement Your Programs and Designs):

class Calculator
  std::vector<double> Calculate(double x, double y)
     std::vector<double> res;
     for(const Function& f : functions)
     return res;

  std::vector<Function> functions;


typedef std::function<double(double,double)> Function;

这是我面临的问题:假设类型f和的函数在内部执行昂贵且相同的计算以获得最终结果。为了提高效率,可以将所有公共数据包装在 a 中,计算一次并作为参数提供给它们。然而,这种设计有几个缺陷。例如,这会导致 的签名发生变化,从而导致将不必要的参数传递给某些函数实现。此外,这些通用和内部数据不再对代码中的其他组件隐藏,这可能会损害代码的简单性。gFunctionstructFunction


  1. 定义一个方法,用给定的双精度和Update计算其内部数据;和xy
  2. 定义一种Check方法来确定其当前内部数据是否是使用给定的双精度对x和计算的y


double f_aux(double x, double y, const std::shared_ptr<CacheFG>& cache)
   if(not cache->Check(x,y))

std::shared_ptr<CacheFG> cache;
Function f = std::bind(f_aux, _1, _2, cache);
Function g = std::bind(g_aux, _1, _2, cache);

我的问题是:(1)这是一种安全的优化方法吗?(2) 有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题?

编辑:在几个答案之后,我发现我的意图是在 C++中实现一种记忆技术。我注意到只有最后计算的状态才足以满足我的目的。

感谢DeadMG,我现在将在这里写下他的方法的改进。他的想法包括使用带有可变参数模板的记忆技术。我只是提供了一个轻微的修改,我使用该构造std::decay<Args>::type来确保 a 的定义tuple仅具有非引用类型。否则,带有 const-reference 参数的函数会导致编译错误。

template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
std::function<Ret(Args...)> MemoizeLast(std::function<Ret(Args...)> f)
    std::tuple<typename std::decay<Args>::type...> cache;
    Ret result = Ret();
    return [=](Args... args) mutable -> Ret
        if(std::tie(args...) == cache)
            return Ret(result);
        cache = std::make_tuple(args...);
        return result = f(args...);

为了防止 的移动,当提供的是缓存result的副本时,将返回 ( ) 的副本。return Ret(result)args


2 回答 2


Why create your own class? There's no need for you to fail to re-create the interface of unordered_map. This functionality can be added as a re-usable algorithm based on std::function and std::unordered_map. It's been a while since I worked with variadic templates, but I hope you get the idea.

template<typename Ret, typename... Args> 
std::function<Ret(Args...)> memoize(std::function<Ret(Args...)> t) {
    std::unordered_map<std::tuple<Args...>, Ret> cache;
    return [=](Args... a) mutable -> Ret {
        if (cache.find(std::make_tuple(a...)) != cache.end())
            return cache[std::make_tuple(a...)];
            return cache[std::make_tuple(a...)] = t(a...);

I don't recall, offhand, whether std::hash natively supports tuples. If not, you might need to add it, or use std::map which does natively support them.

Edit: Hmm, I didn't notice that you wanted to share the cache. Well, this shouldn't be too difficult a problem, just stick an unordered_map member in Calculator and pass it in by reference, but the semantics of doing so seem a bit... odd.

Edit again: Just the most recent value? Even simpler.

template<typename Ret, typename... Args> 
std::function<Ret(Args...)> memoize_last(std::function<Ret(Args...)> t) {
    std::tuple<Args...> cache;
    Ret result;
    return [=](Args... a) mutable -> Ret {
        if (std::tie(a...) == cache)
            return result;
        cache = std::make_tuple(a...);
        return result = t(a...);

If you want to share between several Functions, then the alteration is the same- just declare it in the class and pass in as reference.

于 2012-10-25T11:22:32.287 回答

优化之前 - 测量。然后,如果您真的执行许多具有相同值的计算 - 然后创建此缓存对象。我想隐藏缓存检查和更新 CacheFG::get(x, y)并像const auto value = cache->get(x,y).

于 2012-10-25T11:11:47.660 回答