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Hello guys,

We seen that in emulator we can set the different wallpaper, I need those wallpapers. I just want to know that where all those wallpaper resides, where can I find that wallpapers,

One place I found is in the sdk-windows/System-Images/android-15/armeabi-v7a/system.img, but that is not opened at all,

I just tried to open it with PowerIso , but it fails

is anybody know how can get that wallpaper then let me know ......


1 回答 1



  1. 在模拟器中启动果冻豆。

  2. 使用adb pull /system/app/Launcher2.apk. Launcher2.apk文件将被复制到您的用户文件夹中。

  3. 使用压缩/存档工具打开Launcher2.apk 。(例如,Linux 上的文件滚轮。)

  4. 转到/res/drawable-xhdpi/存档,在那里你会找到wallpaper_01.jpg文件wallpaper_12.jpg 。这些是最高分辨率的系统壁纸。

于 2012-10-25T06:03:40.523 回答