What you're trying to achieve is very likely a "no" but I did do some pretty some hackish stuff back then, so this may or may not work for you (no guarantee):
When an app receives a notification, it triggers the app delegate's applicationDidLoad() method and the notification object is stored in the "launchOptions" parameter.
In this method, you MAY be able to execute an action to poll your server.
So what I was thinking was, setup a local notification to fire at the date you desire. Local notification are like push notification, they can execute even if your app is terminated (killed from the background process)
Then in your app delegate's didFinishLaunchingOptions(), you can check to see if it's the matching notification, if yes, then execute your desire server polling logic, else ignore.
Note: if your server polling logic is in another view controller, do realise these view controllers may not actually be initiated until you actually click on the tab to view them. Now because your app is terminated and not running, you obviously can't tap on a tab.
The second hack is to call the getter "view" method of your view controller containing the server polling logic e.g:
// force iOS to initialize the view controller
[MyCustomVC view];
As you can see, very hackish and not recommended.