
我想使用修补序列的延迟生成,因此我使用 Seq.unfold。


第一个使用带有漏洞的数据序列并生成修补序列。这就是我想要的,但是当输入序列中的元素数量超过 1000 时,这些方法的运行速度非常慢,并且输入序列包含的元素越多,情况就会变得越糟。


我想使用 (sequence -> sequence) 方法而不是 (list -> sequence) 方法,以避免将整个输入列表同时放在内存中。


1)为什么第一种方法这么慢(随着更大的输入列表变得越来越糟)(我怀疑它与使用 Seq.skip 1 重复创建新序列有关,但我不确定)



open System

// Method 1 (Slow)
let insertDummyValuesWhereASingleValueIsMissing1 (timeBetweenContiguousValues : TimeSpan) (values : seq<(DateTime * float)>) =
    let sizeOfHolesToPatch = timeBetweenContiguousValues.Add timeBetweenContiguousValues // Only insert dummy-values when the gap is twice the normal
    (None, values) |> Seq.unfold (fun (prevValue, restOfValues) ->  
        if restOfValues |> Seq.isEmpty then
            None // Reached the end of the input seq
            let currentValue = Seq.hd restOfValues
            if prevValue.IsNone then
                Some(currentValue, (Some(currentValue), Seq.skip 1 restOfValues  )) // Only happens to the first item in the seq
                let currentTime = fst currentValue
                let prevTime = fst prevValue.Value
                let timeDiffBetweenPrevAndCurrentValue = currentTime.Subtract(prevTime)
                if timeDiffBetweenPrevAndCurrentValue = sizeOfHolesToPatch then
                    let dummyValue = (prevTime.Add timeBetweenContiguousValues, 42.0) // 42 is chosen here for obvious reasons, making this comment superfluous
                    Some(dummyValue, (Some(dummyValue), restOfValues))
                    Some(currentValue, (Some(currentValue), Seq.skip 1 restOfValues))) // Either the two values were contiguous, or the gap between them was too large to patch

// Method 2 (Fast)
let insertDummyValuesWhereASingleValueIsMissing2 (timeBetweenContiguousValues : TimeSpan) (values : (DateTime * float) list) =
    let sizeOfHolesToPatch = timeBetweenContiguousValues.Add timeBetweenContiguousValues // Only insert dummy-values when the gap is twice the normal
    (None, values) |> Seq.unfold (fun (prevValue, restOfValues) ->  
        match restOfValues with
        | [] -> None // Reached the end of the input list
        | currentValue::restOfValues -> 
            if prevValue.IsNone then
                Some(currentValue, (Some(currentValue), restOfValues  )) // Only happens to the first item in the list
                let currentTime = fst currentValue
                let prevTime = fst prevValue.Value
                let timeDiffBetweenPrevAndCurrentValue = currentTime.Subtract(prevTime)
                if timeDiffBetweenPrevAndCurrentValue = sizeOfHolesToPatch then
                    let dummyValue = (prevTime.Add timeBetweenContiguousValues, 42.0) 
                    Some(dummyValue, (Some(dummyValue), currentValue::restOfValues))
                    Some(currentValue, (Some(currentValue), restOfValues))) // Either the two values were contiguous, or the gap between them was too large to patch

// Test data
let numbers = {1.0..10000.0}
let contiguousTimeStamps = seq { for n in numbers -> DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(n)}

let dataWithOccationalHoles = Seq.zip contiguousTimeStamps numbers |> Seq.filter (fun (dateTime, num) -> num % 77.0 <> 0.0) // Has a gap in the data every 77 items

let timeBetweenContiguousValues = (new TimeSpan(0,1,0))

// The fast sequence-patching (method 2)
dataWithOccationalHoles |> List.of_seq |> insertDummyValuesWhereASingleValueIsMissing2 timeBetweenContiguousValues |> Seq.iter (fun pair -> printfn "%f %s" (snd pair) ((fst pair).ToString()))

// The SLOOOOOOW sequence-patching (method 1)
dataWithOccationalHoles |> insertDummyValuesWhereASingleValueIsMissing1 timeBetweenContiguousValues |> Seq.iter (fun pair -> printfn "%f %s" (snd pair) ((fst pair).ToString()))

2 回答 2


任何时候你使用分解一个序列Seq.hdSeq.skip 1你几乎肯定会陷入 O(N^2) 的陷阱。 IEnumerable<T>对于递归算法(包括 eg Seq.unfold)来说是一种糟糕的类型,因为这些算法几乎总是具有“第一个元素”和“剩余元素”的结构,并且没有有效的方法来创建一个IEnumerable表示“剩余元素”的新算法. (IEnumerator<T>是可行的,但它的 API 编程模型不是那么有趣/易于使用。)

如果您需要原始数据“保持懒惰”,那么您应该使用 LazyList(在 F# PowerPack 中)。如果你不需要懒惰,那么你应该使用一个具体的数据类型,比如“list”,你可以在 O(1) 中“tail”到它。

(您还应该查看避免堆栈溢出(使用 F# 无限序列)作为仅供参考,尽管它仅适用于此问题。)

于 2009-08-20T13:39:32.873 回答

Seq.skip 构造一个新序列。我认为这就是你原来的方法很慢的原因。

我的第一个倾向是使用序列表达式和 Seq.pairwise。这是快速且易于阅读的。

let insertDummyValuesWhereASingleValueIsMissingSeq (timeBetweenContiguousValues : TimeSpan) (values : seq<(DateTime * float)>) =
  let sizeOfHolesToPatch = timeBetweenContiguousValues.Add timeBetweenContiguousValues // Only insert dummy-values when the gap is twice the normal
  seq {
    yield Seq.hd values
    for ((prevTime, _), ((currentTime, _) as next)) in Seq.pairwise values do
      let timeDiffBetweenPrevAndCurrentValue = currentTime.Subtract(prevTime)
      if timeDiffBetweenPrevAndCurrentValue = sizeOfHolesToPatch then
        let dummyValue = (prevTime.Add timeBetweenContiguousValues, 42.0) // 42 is chosen here for obvious reasons, making this comment superfluous
        yield dummyValue
      yield next
于 2009-08-20T14:36:21.860 回答