这个问题是关于 Android 上 Java 的 NIO(2.2,虽然我可以在必要时为更高的 API 构建):在对目标 IP 地址执行 SocketChannel connect() 之后,我注册我的通道以进行 READ 操作。问题是当我尝试对生成的选定键集执行 READ 时,我收到 NotYetConnectedException。虽然我可以在尝试 READ 之前使用 isConnectionPending 检查通道的状态,但理想情况下,我希望仅在连接实际工作时才选择 READ 键。有任何想法吗?


1 回答 1


You're doing it wrong.

While the connection is pending, the channel must only be registered for OP_CONNECT.

When OP_CONNECT fires, you must call finishConnect(), and then proceed as follows:

  1. If it returns true, you must then deregister OP_CONNECT, and you may then register OP_READ or OP_WRITE.

  2. If it returns false, do nothing: the connection is still pending.

  3. If it throws an exception, the connect has failed and you must close the channel.

于 2012-10-24T21:06:00.640 回答