我运行以下 python 脚本。
ImportError: No module named japanese
# -*- coding: sjis -*-
这是一个耻辱,因为它可以使用开箱即用的 UTF-8。
# make standalone, needs at least pygame-1.5.3 and py2exe-0.3.1
# fixed for py2exe-0.6.x by RyoN3 at 03/15/2006
如果您还没有安装 pygame 和 py2exe 的最新版本,我会从它开始,因为它们可能嵌入了您需要的模块。
To add to e-satis' explanation, the "japanese" module is provided by the Japan PUG, but I don't think you've actually needed it since around Python 2.2. I believe that all the Japanese codecs are included in a standard Python install these days. I certainly don't use this module, and I handle SJIS in my programs just fine.
So I think you could just get rid if the forced import, and do fine. That is, delete these lines:
args.append('japanese,encodings') # JapaneseCodecを強制的に含める
Since you don't have the "japanese" module on your system, if the program runs OK on your system, then the frozen version should be OK without this module.
However, I would recommend using Unicode throughout instead of byte strings, and if you insist on byte strings, I'd at least put them in UTF-8.