我没有想法,所以我向 StackOverflow 提出了这个问题。我最近开始了一个 scala 项目。我在 Windows 7 上安装了 Eclipse 3.7.2 并下载了Scala IDE 2.0.2 的最新稳定版本。我遇到的问题是,当包资源管理器窗格在我的工作区中固定打开并且我将上下文从 Eclipse 切换到 Eclipse 时,Eclipse 需要很长时间才能重绘自身。完全重绘可能需要 2 到 10 秒。我知道它与包资源管理器有关,因为当它没有打开时我根本没有遇到这个问题。我不确定它与 Scala IDE 是否特别相关,但我最近使用 Eclipse 的只是 Scala 项目,到目前为止我都遇到过这个问题。

到目前为止,我已经尝试优化我的 JVM 设置,如下面的帖子所述。我也尝试过恢复到 Java 6 JVM。



从那以后,我发现有许多类似于包资源管理器的视图,它们允许您通过项目的目录或包结构导航项目。有包资源管理器、项目资源管理器和导航视图。现在我正在使用导航视图,我不再遇到原始帖子中提到的任何性能问题。但是,问题仍然存在:为什么使用包资源管理器会对 Eclipse 性能产生如此不利的影响。



1 回答 1


I know this doesn't properly explain what the problem was (at least not one that I can think of), but it is a solution of sorts. I was using the Windows 7 classic theme (think Windows Server 2003 or XP). When I switched back to the default Windows 7 theme my performance problems in eclipse disappeared. An interesting note I failed to mention earlier is that I was having similar redrawing performance problems with Gimp, also a java application, and those have stopped happening as well.

I won't mark this as an answer because I don't feel it genuinely addressed the root cause of the problem. If anyone can tell me why this solved my problem or offer an alternative solution that doesn't involve switching themes please feel free to create an additional answer.

于 2012-11-05T14:30:12.483 回答