Can anyone provide Cloudera Manager 4.1 Free Version help with instructions on resolving hosts in EC2?

I have installed Cloudera Manager 4.1 Free Version on an EC2 m1.large instance. When I search for hosts using the external host name (dn1.example.com), it comes up correctly and installs the packages correctly. But, upon inspection, it does not come up. The only server that comes up is the server where Cloudera Manager is installed (ip-#-#-#-136.ec2.internal). I even tried to use the other host names for dn1 (ec2-#-#-#-47.compute-1.amazonaws.com, ip-#-#-#-152.ec2.internal) in the host searches. Both install successfully but don't show up in inspection. I'm at a loss.

Our admin has toyed around with /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/sysconfig/network. No combinations seem to work.

If there is an expert out there who can help, please can you explain what to do?

Very grateful, Ben


1 回答 1


我可以通过以下更改解决 cloudera 成功添加主机但未在主机列表中显示的问题

  1. 在所有主机(包括具有 cloudera 管理器的主机)中,将类似的内容添加到 /etc/hosts 文件(注意,我已删除默认条目 localhost.localdomain) 本地主机

    ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

    XXXX master.cloudera.mydomain master

    YYYY slave1.cloudera.mydomain slave1

  2. 将此额外的搜索条目添加到 /etc/resolv.conf(保持默认搜索条目不变)

    搜索 cloudera.mydomain



来源:Cloudera Manager 添加主机失败

于 2012-11-09T14:11:32.280 回答