
Hi alla i developed a facebook application with php and I use it on my website. A customer of mine tried this application and wants to integrate it into his website. Is there a way to share my fb app from my website without create a new app and clone the existing one ?

If possible I prefer to avoid javascript

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1


No. But just create a new fb app for your customer, copy the code to his site, and change the app_id and app_secret. And then you'll have a clone of the app on his site with his own app_id.

If you try to run the same app_id on different domains, you'll get this error message from FB when you attempt to init the SDK:

"Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains."

Note that the website's domain (example.com) is defined in your app settings in the FB App Dashboard.

If you try to configure his-domain.com in the Basic section of your app settings, you'll get this error: "Error: his-domain.com must be derived from one of: Site URL, Mobile Site URL, Canvas URL, Secure Canvas URL, Page Tab URL or Secure Page Tab URL"

于 2012-10-23T23:19:57.540 回答