
是否可以将其更改为 Radio 类型的表单,他们可以在其中选择他们想要的并点击“添加到购物车”而不是下拉类型?我几乎浏览了 Google 上的每一页,所有 Radio Type 帮助部分基本上只是将信息记录在一个文件中。我不需要任何写入文件的内容,只需在用户选择一个选项并点击“添加到购物车:


   <p align="center"><b>Select a Payment:</b> 
      <select id="setit" style="color: #000" size="1" name="test" onchange="displayValue();"> 
         <option value="/">Select one</option>     
         <option value="/">1 Month: $4.99</option>    
         <option value="/">3 Months: $14.99</option>      
         <option value="/">6 Months: $29.99</option>
      <br /> 
      <div id="displayValue"></div>
      <br />
      <center><input type="button" value="Add to Cart" onclick="window.open(setit.options[setit.selectedIndex].value)"></center>



2 回答 2




    <p align="center">
        <b>Select a Payment:</b>
        <input type="radio" id="setit1" name="setit" value="1" /><label for="setit1">1 Month: $4.99</label>
        <input type="radio" id="setit2" name="setit" value="3" /><label for="setit2">3 Months: $14.99</label>
        <input type="radio" id="setit3" name="setit" value="6" /><label for="setit3">6 Months: $29.99</label>
        <br />
        <div id="displayValue"></div>
        <br />
        <center><input type="button" id="button-add-to-cart" value="Add to Cart"></center>


var app = {

    payments: {

        option1: "1 Month: $4.99",
        option3: "3 Months: $14.99",
        option6: "6 Months: $29.99"


    init: function () {

        var button = document.getElementById( 'button-add-to-cart' ),
            radios = document.forms[0].setit,
            i = 0;

        // This handles the button click
        button.onclick = function ( e ) {

            var selected = app.getCheckedRadio( document.forms[0].setit );

            if ( selected ) {
                window.open( '//someurl.com?val=' + selected.value ); // Open window
                return false;

            alert( "No payment selected." ); // Else notify user

        // This handles the selection change
        for ( ; i < radios.length; i++ ) {
            radios[ i ].onclick = app.radioChange;


    getCheckedRadio: function ( radio_group ) {

        for ( var i = 0; i < radio_group.length; i++ ) {

            var button = radio_group[ i ];

            if ( button.checked ) {
                return button;

        return undefined;

    radioChange: function ( e ) {

        var display = document.getElementById( 'displayValue' ),
            radio = app.getCheckedRadio( document.forms[0].setit ),
            value = radio.value;

        display.innerHTML = app.payments[ "option" + value ];


window.load = app.init();
于 2012-10-23T20:57:25.097 回答


<form name="form1"> 
    <p align="center">
    <b>Select a Payment:</b>
    <input type="radio" name="setit" value="1" /><label for="setit1">1 Month: $4.99</label>
    <input type="radio" name="setit" value="2" /><label for="setit2">3 Months: $14.99</label>
    <input type="radio" name="setit" value="3" /><label for="setit3">6 Months: $29.99</label>
    <br /> 
    <div id="displayValue"></div>
    <br />
    <center><input type="button" value="Add to Cart" onclick="window.open(GetRadioValue())"></center>

您需要一个 js 函数来获取选中的收音机的值:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function GetRadioValue() {
        len = document.form1.setit.length;
        for (i = 0; i <len; i++) {
            if (document.form1.setit[i].checked) {
                return document.form1.setit[i].value;
于 2012-10-23T21:31:28.993 回答